Super Mario Boards

Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
My Dynasty Warriors fixation is still very there and let's just say I'm just utterly enamored with Xiahou Ba! The guy in my banner is Zhou Yu, he was my favorite but Xiahou Ba did overtook him.

Xiahou Ba is like, this little dude with a very childish face with a HUGE cleaver in Dynasty Warriors 7 AND he carries a rocket spear in Dynasty Warriors 8. He's a sweetheart, but he covers himself up in imposing armor that makes him look more badass than he actually is because he has very little confidence in his looks. Idk those traits just make an extremely appealing character to me.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
@Xiahou Ba Yeah I think I like him too because of that description you just gave. You said something about the game being glitchy. Can you tell me about some of the funny glitches that have happened? I LOVE glitches in games. They're hilarious.
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
It's Dynasty Warriors 9 (the Warriors games normally aren't glitchy and broken to this level). This is lacking the obnoxious splashing noises but yeah this one had my sister and I rolling on the floor laughing.

Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
LOL I'm a Spyro fan as well as a Mario fan and a couple years back for my birthday I got all three Legend of Spyro games to play on my PS2 because I was in a retro-gaming mood and had never played them before, and in Dawn Of The Dragon, there was a scary glitch that happened with Sparx the dragonfly's face in a cutscene and to me it looked like his face had been half-eaten by acid. That was actually kind of terrifying! I wish I had taken a picture of it. It looked SO messed up! The glitch was only for, like, a few seconds, but it was still pretty scary. The pixels got all garbled on the face too which is why it looked like that. His face looked decayed. Like, it was just a graphics glitch, but it still looked pretty freaking creepy.
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
I wish I saw that lmao, I love when glitches really screw things up to unintentional hilarity. Glitches could happen because of badware, our copy of Mario Power Tennis suffered a glitch where the Boos during the defensive shot would appear inside out.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Yeah I think it just happened randomly and the graphics malfunctioned for a few seconds. The copy of the game I had was in good condition and the disk wasn't scratched or anything. You would probably think it looked funny but it kind of creeped me out a bit.
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
It's possible that it can be damaged in ways that aren't visible, our copy of Power Tennis certainly doesn't look damaged, it functions normally.