Super Mario Boards

Wynn Liaw
Wynn Liaw
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
Wouldn't Celestia and Luna also be alive in gen 5? On that note, the sun and the moon still function as normal even during the time that magic was allegedly gone?

Anyway, yeah, the thing you mention is indeed a sad reality of the show, and in fact death is something that was touched on even before G5

In the final episode of G4, Applejack wears Granny Smith's scarf and the latter is nowhere to be seen, heavily implying that she passed away during the time skip.

On the other hand, sadness and loss is a part of living even in Equestria. I'm only 21 (very soon 22), so it might not really feel like it being only about 1/4 of the way through my likely lifespan, but we really only have a short time to be on this Earth, and even as someone of faith I don't feel I can ever truly know what happens to us after we go, so it's really important to treat every day, every moment, as precious. Live your dream and live it to its fullest. That's what Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack did, and that's what I strive to do.