Super Mario Boards

Barby Koala
Barby Koala
That's the thing about the Skywalker Saga of Star Wars, they can best be divided into these genres:

Original Trilogy: Action
Prequel Trilogy: Political Drama
Sequel Trilogy: Fanfiction

The sequel trilogy was as bad as it was because it just felt like a horrible fanfiction made into a trilogy of Hollywood films, combined with Disney shoehorning their "progressive" agenda and their greediness hoping to make a quick buck out of luring the "left-wing" moviegoing crowd in with this "progressiveness".
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
@Barby Koala What was "progressive" about the sequel trilogy though? I don't understand. Like if there was anything progressive there, I didn't notice it. Then again it was probably very subtle.
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
@Miles Tails Prower What would be considered "progressive" about the sequel trilogy to Disney is Rey being their "feminist heroine icon" that they tried to have appeal to the left-wing moviegoing crowd, which no one seemed to be impressed with unless one happened to blatantly ignorant.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
@Miles Tails Prower Yeah. I feel bad for Daisy Ridley having to be the scapegoat for merciless harassment from Star Wars fans to the point where she had to delete all her social media accounts when it's Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy who should be getting all the flack for being the masterminds behind this cherade in the first place.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
@Miles Tails Prower Yeah I know it's really not fair. She seems like such a nice person, too. Reminds me of how a lot of Star Wars fans hate Jake Lloyd who played young Anakin in Episode I and I don't think that's fair either; he was just playing a part.
I don't feel like this is an unpopular opinion these days. People are seriously warming up to the prequels even though they play out like a documentary and are still bland as all hell in comparison to the original trilogy. The sequels were horribly handled and resulted in a mess of a series with so many strange changes in direction and plot that it doesn't even feel like a real and cohesive story.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
@OmegaRuby Well it's understandable to me why the prequels weren't good-it's hard to improve on something that's already pretty much perfect. Good thing that Lucas didn't make them until much later or Star Wars would never have been a worldwide cultural phenomenon in the first place.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
@OmegaRuby Oh LOL I just realized you were talking about the SEQUELS when you said they had so many strange changes in plot and direction and they weren't feeling like a cohesive story-not the prequels. LMAO....yeah the prequels aren't that bad, but they can be boring because there was too much talk, and not enough action. Like when I was a kid and watched Attack Of The Clones, during the parts where they were negotiating in the Senate, and Padme and Anakin were in love and frolicking in that grassy field I remember thinking "Wow...this is so incredibly boring-when does the fighting start?". The epic combat was one of my most favorite things about Star Wars. I mean, it's called STAR WARS. Action is in the name. I think if the prequel trilogy had had a lot more fighting and less talking and negotiating, it would have been a lot better. The Senate negotiating sequences in both Episode I and Episode II should have been skipped over and the characters should have just briefly discussed what the Senate had decided. Like-seriously-who wants to watch that? Who wants to watch politics and negotiation in action? Probably not a lot of people.
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
@Miles Tails Prower As someone who is easily bored by politics, I certainly wouldn't be able to sit through such long and drawn out diplomacy sequences.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
@Barby Koala LOL imagine how bored I was as a kid watching that; when Attack of the Clones came out and I first saw it I was 9 years old and I had ADHD; it wasn't good for keeping my attention span. I enjoyed most of the movie, but not those parts. 🤣
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna