Knuckles The Echidna

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    Hey guys. I set up this cool scene just last night. Thought an airport with actual parked planes from one of the Call Of Duty games would make a good setting to pose Rainbow Dash and her parents and Scootaloo in because they're all Pegasi and they love flying and Rainbow Dash is sort of like an aviator since she's a member of the Wonderbolts flight team, so I posed them next to one of the planes. I had a lot of fun setting up and posing this scene by the way.
    I forgot to tell you guys that me and my parents recently got a Cavapoo puppy. We named her "Sophie" (isn't that a cute name?). She is so cute and affectionate and full of life and energy and we heard that her breed can live up to 14 years so we expect many years of love and joy with her. She's also very smart as well. 🐶
    Hey guys. Guess what? I know exactly how to beat Gnasty Gnorc. This afternoon after I'm done with my Internet time, I plan to try again. Running low on lives though, I hope I won't get a Game Over. Yeah all that'll happen if that happens is I'll get put back into the game with another three lives, but I was hoping to have a complete run of the game without getting any Game Overs. Having to go back and gather up more lives is getting tiresome however (I've been doing it ALL this entire game), so I think I'll let it happen.
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    Good luck!
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    I figured out yesterday that the steering problem I'm having with Spyro in the narrow corridor he chases Gnasty Gnorc down and falling over the edge all the time was because I was using the control stick and not the control pad, which is what I'd use on the PS1 controller. But now that I've started using that, it's much easier to turn the corners, and I think I now have an even bigger shot at this. Anyway, if you guys could each maybe comment "Good Luck" on this post with four-leaf clover emojis next to each reply, I'd appreciate it, but if not, that's fine too; I know you guys are wishing me luck anyway. I seriously think I've got this in the bag now.
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    I don't know if anyone has noticed but I've been trying to make my posts shorter so when people read what I type they don't read it like how the grownups sounded in the Peanuts cartoons where all they said was, "Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah..."
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    🤦‍♂️What am I saying? Hope that made sense. I'm not sure if it did. :confused:
    Ok, so....I just read about this and thought I would give my thoughts on it. So, it looks like (key word "looks like") James Cameron's next "Terminator" movie is going to be not a continuation of the original story, but a reboot, with different characters and a completely different plot. Personally, I'm a little bit frustrated about this; I hate it as a fan when companies reboot franchises before concluding them, thus ending said (at the moment current) iterations of franchises on a cliffhanger.
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    terminator has already had a million reboots tbh.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    As I said before, you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet, since in this day and age, anyone can put anything out onto the internet and claim it as being the real deal. But I agree with Viola that the Terminator franchise has already had plenty of reboots, so if this does end up being true, I wouldn't bat an eye at it because each attempt at rebooting a franchise, especially one as messy as Terminator is worse than the last attempt.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Hasbro also did this sort of thing with the live-action "GIJoe" franchise, leaving most of the Joes dead and Cobra in control of virtually everything at the end of "GIJoe-Retaliation", so I as a fan basically feel like Cobra (the bad guys) won, and I don't like that. I know companies just do things like this to cut financial losses or have fresh content for new audiences but seriously for me it's extremely disappointing and unsatisfying and frustrating; makes me feel like I really wasted my time watching said movies because they will never have a conclusion.
    I don't know about you guys but as good as computer animation is and as much as I like it I still will always like traditional hand-drawn animation better.
    I seriously find it somewhat ironic and funny how back in the day audiences and critics alike praised "The Simpsons" like it was literally a gift from God to humanity, but nowadays, nobody really watches it anymore. Do people just not find it funny anymore and have grown tired of its sarcastic humor and satire? Or is it just due to the decline in viewership of cable and people just watch it on Disney+ now? I'm actually legitimately curious about this.
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    Lin Beifong
    Lin Beifong
    When The Simpsons first aired, it was a counter-culture phenomenon because it depicted a relatable, dysfunctional, thoroughly flawed family when at the time the typical TV family unit was HEAVILY sanitized and idyllic. It was seen as refreshing because it did something that no other high-profile sitcom was doing back then, and thus managed to become the powerhouse production it is known as.

    Nowadays, being crass, off-color, and inappropriate on TV is the norm, so the Simpsons is no longer able to stand as the single thing you could go to for that kind of dysfunctional family humor. It lost its situational edge when TV adapted to follow its example.

    Also, yes, it's been on for several decades. By now they have done nearly everything those characters can feasibly do without losing themselves. People are mostly done with it because it feels like we've already seen everything.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    @Lin Beifong Reminds me of how people are tired of soap operas too especially with how overly melodramatic they are LOL. As a result most of them have been cancelled by now.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    LOL speaking of which got this through Duck Duck Go's A.I. "Duck Assist" when I searched for "Why do people hate soap operas?":

    "Many people dislike soap operas because they perceive them as unrealistic, overly dramatic, or lacking depth, often labeling them as "trash." Additionally, some viewers find the repetitive storylines and melodrama irritating, leading to a general disdain for the genre." 😏
    Since Easter and all that is coming up, let's talk about "Peeps". You know, those little marshmallow chick things. I've heard a lot of people in my country of America REALLY hate them. Kids like the overwhelming sweetness but it seems like most adults don't, yet I'm an adult and I like them. LOL, is something wrong with me? 🐣

    Like let's have a short discussion about Peeps on my profile, both users on here who like them and hate them can participate. Cause I'm bored.
    Malleus Draconia
    Malleus Draconia
    sorry but i HAAAAAATE peeps, always have and always will (i am 99% sure it's a texture thing with me tho, not necessarily bc of how sugary they are... i had a sweet tooth for many years and still do tbh but Less So now)
    I just don't like the texture of the "eyes". You wanna know how to make peeps real good? Keep them out for a couple days, makes them hard and "stale" but actually makes them feel and taste better imo. Also really good with chocolate
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    @Malleus Draconia Yeah texture with food often matters to people eating them as much as taste. Have you ever eaten something that feels slimy? It might taste good but it feels disgusting in your mouth.
    Well guys my dad is getting better after his accident. His back and neck hurt a lot less now and I think he'll be making a full recovery. He's already almost completely better. Sadly his Ford Mustang didn't fare so well-it was so wrecked we couldn't afford to repair it, but he's getting a new one. Ford Mustang he had previously got really badly smashed-up. It'll cost more to repair it than the car is worth.
    A scene I created in GMod last night with My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic I really wish had happened on the show and it's a shame it didn't but at least I created it:

    Soarin And Rainbow Dash Wedding.png
    Oh my God guys my dad just had a really close call. He got into a car accident on the way home and got hit from behind and plowed into the guy in front of him. Fortunately he's ok and the guy he hit is ok and the guy who hit him is ok but his neck and back are going to be sore for at least a little while. Fortunately he's not paralyzed and can move his arms and his legs but my mom decided he should go to the hospital to get a CAT scan. Holy crap that was mom and I were really scared for him because she actually heard the accident as she was talking to him on the phone but I think he'll be all right. Feel free to offer messages of sympathy or prayers or whatever if you want. I'm just glad he's ok.
    Hi everyone. Another profile update. I'd like to tell you all about something AWESOME! You HAVE to read the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic and G5 comics from IDW. All of the volumes of the Friendship Is Magic IDW comics and the G5 IDW comics are available in hardcover, as well as all the special event issues I am about to list off. I happen to have read all the issues of both comics, and I have to say, these comics, especially the Friendship Is Magic ones, do not disappoint! The FIM ones take place between different episodes of the show and there is even a TENTH season exclusively in comic form! What's more, there's so many good storylines, such as one issue of that comic series where Twilight and her friends went to an alternate dimension where Chrysalis and King Sombra were GOOD and Celestia and Luna were evil! The MLP G5 IDW comics are just as cool. They have a lot of nostalgic Friendship Is Magic-based themes; for instance, in the last iteration of the G5 comics, titled "The Storm Of Zephyr Heights", the G5 ponies actually find and explore the now-long-abandoned Cloudsdale! Discord also makes a reappearance and they have to stop him from destroying the crystals Sunny and her friends used to bring magic back to Equestria! And there's also an issue called "Set Your Sail" where Sunny and her friends journey to the sea and become SEA PONIES which is a nostalgic flashback to the 2017 My Little Pony movie! There's also some awesome specials with the FIM IDW comics, including TWO different issues where the ponies team up with the Transformers Autobot characters, and another one called "My Little Pony: Generations" where they team up with the original 1980s G1 ponies! Anyway, yeah, you all should really get into these comics if you're interested. You won't be disappointed. All the specials of both sets of comics as well as all the volumes of both are all in hardcover. Seriously guys, don't miss out on these comics. They're so awesome.

    There are omnibuses of all of the issues and if you have all eight of them you will have all the issues. They are:

    The complete hardcover compilations of the original Friendship Is Magic comics include the following. If you get all of these, you will have all the issues. They are:

    My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 1
    My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 2
    My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 3
    My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 4
    My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 5
    My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 6
    My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 7
    My Little Pony Omnibus Volume 8

    These omnibuses, if you have all of them, include
    all the issues all the way up to issue #102, the final

    There are also the paperback editions of both "My Little Pony Transformers The Magic of Cybertron" and "My Little Pony Transformers Friendship In Disguise" which contain both of the MLP Transformers crossovers with ALL the issues!

    The complete series of issues of the "MLP Generations" issue where the Mane Six crossover with the G2 ponies is also available in paperback with ALL FIVE issues included!

    If anyone is interested for me to list the rest of the collections of issues be sure to let me know. I will list more here. There's only a few more I think. The main comics in the omnibuses are the best ones, but there's different specials you may also be interested in. That's the rest of the comics.

    After I'm done listing all the G4 comics, I'll list the complete collections of the G5 ones too.
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    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Ok here's the rest of the FIM IDW comics. There also is a paperback edition of the My Little Pony "Generations" crossover comic with all the issues as well. And there's also a "Friends Forever" and "Legends Of Magic Omnibus" which explains how all the magic of Equestria came to be way far back in the past. And the "Mysteries In Ponyville" and "Spirit Of The Forest" paperback and "Feats Of Friendship" paperback and "Fiendship Is Magic" which shows the origins of all the villains. And also "Adventures In Friendship" and the 2017 movie prequel also in paperback. I think that's about all for the G4 stuff. I'll list all the G5 comic collections tomorrow. But yeah guys, these MLP FIM comics-don't miss them. They're so awesome and I've read every single one. The MLP G5 IDW comics are also surprisingly good and I'll list those all off tomorrow.
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    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Ok you know what, I have all the info for all the G5 comics so may as well list it all here.

    Ok-now for the IDW G5 comics. There are four paperbacks. Combined, they all contain all TWENTY awesome issues of the main G5 comics. They are:

    Big Horseshoes To Fill (#1)
    Smoothie-ing it Over (#2-contains comic series where Discord reappears!)
    Cookies, Conundrums & Crafts (#3)
    Sister Switch (#4-final issue-contains issues 15-20. #20 is the LAST issue!)

    Ok. Now for the specials in paperback. They are:

    Camp Bighoof
    Kenbucky Roller Derby
    Set Your Sail (the G5 Mane 5 go to the Sea Pony Kingdom from the 2017 movie and become Sea Ponies and help bring peace between the Sea Ponies and another faction I can't remember)
    Maretime Mysteries (Sunny and her friends play a magical board game, which turns out to be HAUNTED!)
    And last, but not least, The Storm Of Zephyr Heights, where the G5 ponies discover abandoned Cloudsdale and must stop its weather machine from destroying everything! Plus Rainbow Dash appears as a hologram!

    And that's it for the G5 comics. Not nearly as long as the FIM comic series, but still really good. I highly recommend you guys copy all the stuff I have listed into a Word document or text file on your computers to keep track of your collections, or if you don't have any, know which ones you want to get.
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    Well I just watched "Sonic The Hedgehog 3" on Paramount+ at home and I have to say overall it was really good; the only thing that was disappointing to me was
    that Dr. Robotnik died because he was a great villain and I thought he was really funny too, especially in this movie.
    Well I'm really happy. Like most colleges, my online college is going to be giving me a "spring break" from March to May. So tomorrow is my first day with NO SCHOOL! As much as I like attending my classes, it's nice to get time to just relax and do whatever I want. No papers to write, no student discussion posts to reply to, what a relief! (I HATE writing papers LOL).
    Does anyone else on here hate Jake Paul and Logan Paul as much as I do? I hate both of them. They're both terrible people who have done bad things and they both have such an extremely entitled attitude.
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    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    @Miles Tails Prower Supposedly Jake Paul won a Teen's Choice Award with that song and as such performed it live at the TCA stage, much to the protest of pretty much everyone not on Jake's side, prompting Jake's garrison of annoying kids and teenagers to take to Twitter and spam the crap out of the hashtag "#TCAAreOverParty".
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    @Barby Koala Yeah that was just a complete clown show if you ask me (both the performance AND the reaction from the fans).

    Oh wait those weren't his fans siding with him on Twitter they were his haters hating on him never mind yeah I side with them he didn't deserve an award for that. That song is terrible.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Unpopular opinion time-the Star Wars prequel trilogy wasn't THAT bad; it was the sequel trilogy (Force Awakens, Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker) of Star Wars movies that was REALLY bad. Like-I've literally watched ALL NINE Star Wars movies-including the three sequel movies everyone says were awful-and comparatively, the prequel ones were not nearly as bad as the sequels. The things about the prequel trilogy people say are bad-bad acting, bad writing, too much politics, etc.-that's not even able to hold a candle as to how bad probably EVERYTHING is in the sequel trilogy. I honestly think I am being completely objective here-there's no bias here at all, although I first saw the prequel trilogy when I was a little kid and thus probably mainly enjoyed it and still do as an adult because of that. But yeah. The prequel movies-I don't think they're as bad as people say they are, and they're definitely "masterpieces" compared to the last three movies in the franchise (masterpiece term of course in quotes). Middle three movies (Episode IV V and VI) are definitely the best in the entire franchise. Prequel movies, objectively speaking, are "meh", and sequel movies are absolutely HORRIBLE.

    Like if anyone disagrees with my personal assessment as always I respect your opinions but I think my analysis is actually pretty well-thought-out and accurate. Also yeah the sequel films sucked but I'm at least happy I've seen all of the movies in the franchise and at least saw how everything ended. I at least got that out of the sequels, even though all they were were essentially just slightly different repeats of the classic Star Wars trilogy, just set many many years later.
    Ok a bit of a rant here....brace yourselves.

    Like I said before, I like Disney, and I will always like Disney. But I don't like their business practices. Is anybody else on this site sick and tired of Disney literally becoming a monopoly and buying everything? And the fact that it seems like Disney mishandles (and ruins, for the fans) just about almost every single franchise and brand they get their hands on? They're so incredibly greedy (haha made a pun but didn't intend to-said "incredibly" when "Mr. Incredible" is actually the name of a Disney character haha), and I'm really tired of it. And as much as I like the stuff Disney makes, for God's sake, I don't want literally everything I like to be Disney. I want variety in my entertainment choices. Too much Disney is so much of a normally good thing that it becomes a bad thing. This isn't really a rant. It's just asking if anyone else on this site is tired of all the things I've just mentioned when it comes to Disney. Like seriously-Disney-please stop. Stop buying everything. It looks like when it comes to handling and controlling these franchises you buy you don't know what you're doing. There's so many examples I can list-Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Ice Age (people seemed to really HATE "Adventures of Buck Wild"), Home Alone (didn't mind "Home Sweet Home Alone" but seems most fans didn't like it).....the list goes on and on. And sometimes even with your own franchises you mishandle them, too. Like, I don't hate Disney. But I really hate the dumb decisions they make sometimes. Nintendo does that too, but I think Disney is a LOT worse when it comes to that sort of thing. There are often times when I think to myself that maybe Disney CEO Bob Iger doesn't know what he's doing. I think I myself could do a better job. Heck, a monkey, even without a single business degree, could do a better job managing the company than him. Yeah I'm being overly sarcastic with that last line-but do I think I could do a better job as company CEO than him? Probably. Anyone could, in my opinion. That's....not a good thing. And it really seems like all these stupid business decisions are ruining the Walt Disney Company's reputation to the point some people just see it as a complete "joke". Disney's not all bad. But they make a lot of dumb mistakes, and when they do, it makes me cringe. And some people (including fans) when they see that don't just cringe like I do, they get angry. I can understand that. Personally I don't let myself get angry though; the only ones it's hurting is Disney, and their reputation, as well as upsetting their fans. That's just plain bad all the way around. Disney like everyone wants to make money, but I think decisions like that are making them LOSE money instead.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    I definitely agree that I hate Disney's business practices and their monopolist approach towards said business practices, as well as their continuously bad habit of churning out half-assed products and even more inferior and in my honest opinion, quite unnecessary live-action remakes of any of their works from the past two centuries all in the interest of making a quick buck. Disney CEO Bob Iger is simply a greedy and slippery schlep who shouldn't be at the helm of the empire of joy that Walt Disney built from scratch over a century ago.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    @Barby Koala Like I said, I think that I could run it a lot better. 😎
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    @Miles Tails Prower Heck, even I could probably run Disney a lot better, and I'm not even a business school graduate. 😂
    Later this summer or spring I'll be bagging groceries at the local supermarket to get a little bit of casual job experience. At first I'll be doing it unpaid, but I'll be paid for it later. I'm excited. Like, my dream job I'm actually studying for in college is going to be so much better, but this will teach me about incentive and getting along and cooperating with my coworkers, which will help me in my ACTUAL job.
    Little known fact about me-in Tomadachi Life for Nintendo 3DS, just to be silly, I had my Mii sing the theme song to the PBS Kids "Arthur" cartoon. If anyone wants me to put the lyrics here, let me know. I had to shorten it slightly because I couldn't have it be as long as the original because the "pop" song I changed the lyrics of was shorter. It was the "Cats And Fun" song originally.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Also for some reason I like "Wii Music" when everyone else hates it. Why is that? LOL......
    In six days I can change my account name and picture to Tails. In the meantime, here is what my profile will say:

    Miles Tails Prower
    Two-tailed fox, skilled pilot and mechanic
    From the Emerald Hill Zone
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    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    You know what, screw it I'm going to change my avatar and all that stuff to Tails now. In six days I can change my name. Why not?
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