Super Mario Boards


Congrats for being the worst gamer ever!
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
I absolutely despise corporate capitalistic bootlickers like this asshole here. Crunch is a failure of the management, and if you can't make money without mistreating your workers, you don't deserve to be in business.

You should watch some of Jim Sterling's content on crunch, by the way, he makes excellent videos attacking this mindset.

Oh and btw, wonder if that user also shares this opinion on slavery as well. I mean, as long as you get your cotton products, who cares about how they're treated, right?
Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun
I bet he condones slavery and child labor that put his shoes together.
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
Crunch is also being most done in multi-million companies like EA and Epic, where their CEOs make an unfathmoable amount of cash and then as a thanks for undergoing crunch, shut down and lay off workers.

Look, it's a video game. No one needs it coming out in this period of time. It's fine to delay a game. It's literally just an entertainment product.
A lot of the arguments I seen is "a lot of people do this shit"
More than one person has committed murder, my dude
Another is saying "I have it worse"
Yes, there is no reason to care about stopping bad things when you go through worse things, guess I shouldn't be upset my mom dying via medical malpractice because at least she wasn't lobotmized
Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun
When slavery existed, it was widespread. Child labor was rampant before laws came in. Books like The Jungle documented abuse of workers in food packing Women didn't even get a right to vote. Just because it's practiced everywhere and for a long time doesn't excuse exploiting other people to the point they get break and get horrific psychological problems. If you can't pay your workers an adequate wage and provide them with necessary benefits, you shouldn't run a business!!!!
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
The "fuck you got mine" attitude is the bane of humanity and deserves to die out.
Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun
Btw "fuck them I care only about the end product"

Even if you are a morally bankrupt ghoul, you realize one thing.....

People that are deprived of their needs and are stressed tend to not make good product that demands high performance and confidence! You can't focus on your project if you're sleep deprived, starving, and worried your company will lay you off!!!!!