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  • Wait-
    The Nintendo switch pro is supposed to be released on my birthday-

    That's pretty similar to when the demo to pikmin 3 deluxe released on my birthday and the actual game released on my sisters birthday
    People kept on insisting that the animaniacs reboot is actually good but i was a stubborn idiot and refused to watch it because cartoon reboots are usually crap (and I thought it would be like spongebob is nowadays-) but I decided to actually watch it finally and…It was pretty good! Im still a bit salty about the other characters not being there (i miss slappy lol) but it's still really funny and they didn't actually ruin the characters like I thought they did originally .
    You know that feeling when you spend 30 minutes writing something on the Dragon quest wiki and then it doesn't let you upload it.

    I should just change my username to sad slime instead of awkward slime.
    I had wario ware on the game cube when I was like 7 and I never played it that often because it gave off a weird vibe at the time, but one of the times I did play it I played this mini game where you have to catch wario in a floaty before he fell in the water.he said something about not being able to swim AND I ACCIDENTALLY MISSED WARIO AND I ACTUALLY THOUGHT I KILLED HIM. LIKE I THOUGHT I LEGITIMATELY CAUSED WARIO TO DROWN AND I WAS SO GUILTY FOR THE LONGEST TIME and also for some reason I thought warios ghost was going to get me if I played ww again so yeah. That's the story of how i "killed wario" and stopped playing ww completely. that's all folks!!
    Warioware Inc. : Mega Party Game$ is just a port of the GBA WarioWare but with a multiplayer mode.

    Also the graphics are very low quality.
    Ah, that makes sense. I was young and as I said before I only played it once or twice.
    Ok so a few updates on this:
    1: i got my gc to work and I played it again
    2: you're right it is low quality
    3: one of the file names was literally named AAAAA
    4: warios ghost didn't get me

    Should i be happy lol
    "You make very underrated level" -random kid that played my mario maker courses, 2021
    *scribbles* - some kid that played my courses, 2020
    *deformed face and in messy handwriting either bruh or burn* -a different random kid
    Meow meow meow! Its the cat mario show!

    wait does anyone else remember that even-
    Nintendo did some epic commercials

    like the cheesy smash bros commercials where people get into random situations and the announcer guy just kept screaming SETTLE IT WITH SMASH
    And the also cheesy tomodatchi life commercial thing where these aliens trying to learn about humans by using tomodatchi life.

    also I only know these exist because you're able to watch certain videos on the eshop on the 3ds and I used to watch those all night lol
    Last night i was trying to go on here and instead of marioboardS(plural) i put marioboard(singular) and it took me to some gambling site and i was so confused lol
    am I the only person that got weird dreams the first time they played sm64?
    Its a great game but it gave 6 yr old me nightmares-
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I generally get weird Mario Party and Smash Bros dreams, but I played those more than Super Mario 64
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I get Super Mario 64 dreams about accessing hidden doors and worlds, and a recurring world is like, a new level that uses Bob-omb Battlefield/Whomp's Fortress assets.

    I also got a dream where I modded BL to be playable.
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    It's weird, I get dreams about that stuff too. Sometimes, I have dreams about Wario chasing me through the hall. Weird stuff about that game, I swear.
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