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  • Obviously way too early to be talking about this, let Sakurai take a long long rest, but with less characters to juggle in the next Smash, I think they should focus on more character interactions like destined rival matches in classic modes and more typical fighting game endings with cameos, combination moves and specific reactions to attacks and stage elements
    Why the Hell does HBO Max have the last two Hobbit movies but not the first one
    Why the hell does HBO Max doesn't have Cats Don't Dance
    why the hell does HBO Max not have Baby Looney Tunes
    Why the hell does HBO Max have limited releases of movies, I just wanna watch Space Jam New Legacy

    at least they have kill la kill
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    This guy is horrendous, he's homphobic, he's misogynist, a Japanese nationalist, and denies the Nanking Massacre. Worst of all, he isn't just some old fart with terrible political views, he's politically active and has signed documents that defended the Japanese revisionism on the Nanking Massacre and has done donations to anti-LGBT organizations.

    There's only so much you can do to separate the art from the artist but you can't ignore the opinions of a guy who outright said women were inferior to men.

    I'd say the only redeemable thing he did re: LGBT was he sorta recanted his stance, but I think that's after he got shat on by people. He still didn't recant his thoughts about women or the Nanking Massacre however, and he never will, now that he's dead.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    As a woman with Chinese heritage and is dating a Korean American, I can sincerely say " 🌺 fuck you 🌺" to this repugnant fascist on the bottom of my heart. He's dead, but Nanking Massacre denial is still alive (the Nanking Massacre was so atrocious that an unabashed Nazi intervened and saved ~200,000 Chinese people), as well as the Japanese nationalists this despicable froth has supported, and as well as the constant assault on rights for LGBT+ people and women. Hope this monster composes some fiddle tunes for the devil.
    Everything I know about Tommy Tollarico makes me glad I barely know anything about him
    Can't get Monkey Ball this month due to low funds so if anyone has a Switch, here's a code for a free in game hat: C0T0N3VKT77R1GWX
    Any of ya planning to watch DC Fandome, those stupid world destroying scams know as NFTs aside, I am pretty excited
    If it's on YouTube, I can stream it, just remember to boo when NFTs and Geoff Johns is on screen
    Remember, folks, I will be streaming the Smash presentation tomorrow if you're interested!
    i'll try and be there hehe
    Saw something cute earlier, my cat was waiting at my door and a couple of kids were petting her and she had no problem with it, cats are such sweethearts
    • Like
    Reactions: zel
    Okay, I was really hungry earlier and saw a guy have a sticker of alien pointing at me so for awhile I thought he actually did had the alien and like bro why are you pointing at me, do you have a problem
    I genuinely can't take the argument of someone who calls themselves a "true fan" seriously after seeing so much of them fail to make any debate points beyond "old stuff is better", "cringe", "SJW pandering" and "it's for babies now"
    I had dreams of dead ponies last night for some reason
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    I had a dream about a Walmart in space for the second time in like a week and a half.
    The need to be "professional" = designs are far less fun and memorable
    bamco is a video game company specializing in anime licensed games

    they make games for all platforms, even moblie
    It's times like this where I love I haven't changed The Dark Winds logo
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    That new logo is ugly and looks so generic.
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