I edited the original score back into the movie's ending (the version with Hello Happy Kingdom) because the natural order would be at unrest otherwise.
Last night I dreamed that a leaked screenshot of Mario in a tux from the Mario movie appeared online. Since I was disappointed it was just a dream, I drew roughly what he looked like in the dream
I need some feedback about APNG compatibility with users on this site. I know Google Chrome supports it, but I'm not sure how many other browsers do.
If you can see the animation in the below image, can you do me a favor and ❤ Love react to this post. If you cannot see the animation, react with Thinking.
The reason is if possible I want to use APNG format for the animated portions of my Awards presentation instead of GIF, due to the color & transparency limitations of the latter. But I won't do that if the format isn't widely supported among users here.
So my Twitter account got locked because I called out a transphobic extremist on Twitter with harsh (but not threatening) language. The tweet being responded to? Still up. That's nice.
As of this moment I'm close to finishing Paper Mario Origami King, concluding my playthrough of the 3 most recent Paper Mario games.
I would like to place a request for my entrance in your cult of Toad haters.
Fuck Toads. They're everywhere. They're inescapable. They're all I see out my window, on the streets, in my dreams. My life is in shambles.
Take me with you, FawfulTheGreat, for this shall be my only path to salvation. A great rapture in a sea of putrid fungi. Even blue cheese tastes less appealing now knowing it's cut from the same cloth as these polka-dotted shits. Take me.
If you put 3 Dimentios in a level (which I assume would be the max possible amount), would that mean there would be 3 separate multiverses for him to wipe out? And 3 Count Blecks to serve? And 24 pure hearts total in existence? And...