Thomas the Tank Engine

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  • Just wanted to let you know that your insults hurt, but that I forgive you and wish you the best. I feel like it's bad enough out there and that we should all just try to treat others with respect, regardless of who they are. God bless.
    I'll seriously never forgive bronies for their behavior from back in the day.
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    Milo Thatch
    Milo Thatch
    More like the behavior they still had a record of right through the show ending.

    Though of course it's not all bronies, but some of them.

    I love MLP: Friendship is Magic myself and used to consider myself a brony, but decided to take that label back of myself this decade considering it has the connotation that I'm fixated on the show with no other hobbies which I'm not. Plus yeah the MLP fandom has definitely a bad rap of some of them being inappropriate with their obsessions, even by cartoon fandom standards.

    There's one reviewer of Friendship is Magic I watch who pointed out that the people in the MLP fandom doing abysmal crud and then judging other people for not instantly forgiving them, has some parallels to the problem the show had of characters committing horrible actions and then instantly being forgiven with no consequences just for briefly feeling remorse. Where in both situations "forgiveness is everything" is not as appropriate of a mindset as it sounds on paper, especially when then the perpetrator most likely won't feel as bad as being left on their own to really think about the effects of their actions.
    Thomas the Tank Engine
    Thomas the Tank Engine
    @Discord I was only into the show during the very early days and while some of it was because I didn't really enjoy it that much, I'd be lying if I said another reason why fell off it wasn't because of just how common it was to MLP fanart posted publicly in places where minors (including myself, since I was like 14-15 at the time) could find it and then some bronies would get super mad and defensive when people would tell them to not post that shit in places where underage fans can easily encounter it. 🤢🤢🤢🤢

    And yeah it's obviously not all bronies who were like this but even still.
    I got a keyboard attachment for my tablet because my laptop power jack needs to be fixed. I could replace it myself but I also need the screen fixed and I don't trust myself to fix THAT.
    i'm not complaining but there's something inherently amusing to me when people post 'hey i'll be away for the rest of the day' in the 'i'm going away' thread lol.
    Toka Hebizuka
    Toka Hebizuka
    hey guys, I'm going to bed now, so I won't be able to post for the rest of the day. If you need anything feel free to contact my assistant!
    Lin Beifong
    Lin Beifong
    Was in the bathroom for the last two minutes; hope I didn't miss anything.
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I'm perpetually stuck inside an LLV.
    people get mad at me for the dumb stuff i posted 5 minutes ago despite me CLEARLY saying that i regret my actions and i am no longer the same woman i was 5 minutes ago.
    Yesterday I went to this Memorial Day event (even tho Memorial Day is today) and it was terrible because of how loud and crowded it was. (I have sensory problems with noise and very much cannot handle crowds at all)
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    I hate theme parks for this very reason.
    Nintendo releasing an update for their literally discontinued system that you can't buy games for anymore (unless you want to buy used shovelware at GameStop) just to break the current methods of softmodding it is absolutely PEAK Nintendo lmao.
    y'all remember how nintendo literally just put a snes rom on a wii disc and sold it for $30 for the 25th anniversary of super mario bros lol
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