Princess Viola

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  • I went to the dentist today and yeah guess who's probably gonna have to pay $2000 AT LEAST to get her teeth fixed.

    And it's just two teeth too.
    That wasn't really the subject of discussion
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    It's relevant considering I'm literally trans lol.
    trans healthcare in america is great because the country just runs of an informed consent system so you can kinda just get estrogen, rather then being on a waiting list for 10 years and inevitably dying or going with DIY hormones.
    can't speak for testosterone and what it's like getting that for transmasc people, but for transfem people america has it's benefits
    also the uk's healthcare system at this point has been significantly degraded due to the government constantly removing funding and shit, something that was particularly worsened by covid. at this point private healthcare is just a much better option if you're able to afford it. long waiting times for example, aren't just a thing in trans healthcare (though they are particularly egregious there).
    all this to say the uk really isn't that much better or a magic haven for good healthcare and moving to england really won't improve your life that much, or at all
    I somehow scratched my tablet screen, like straight up just a whole scratch even going into the bezels. No idea how this happened, it's annoying. Only things that make it not bothersome is that it's only noticable if I literally have my tablet right up to my face or if I'm looking at the screen from an off angle. Still gonna try and get the screen replaced when I can cuz I mean I ain't going to have a dang scratched screen.
    A couple nights ago, I made pasta for dinner and y'all know what? The pasta sauce went MOLDY so I had no sauce on it and that sucks and we still haven't gotten any new sauce. Damn.
    I mentally blame children on Pokémon TCG stuff I find at Walmart where someone opened it up to steal the packs out of just because I refuse to believe grown-ass adults would do this.

    Yet I am also, sadly, well aware that it likely is grown-ass adults doing a lot of this stuff because some of y'all never learned how to behave.
    Yeah, I once caught a kid trying to bust open a pack for a promo card and ended up buying him a $5 booster pack.
    It was a weird day lol.
    I will never upgrade to Windows 11. I'm gonna keep using Windows 10 until either Microsoft ends support for it in a couple years or until I get pissed off enough at it and then I'm switching to some flavor of Linux.
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    Galaxy Book Sunshine
    Galaxy Book Sunshine
    Might as well go back to using 7 or 8.1, since I'm pretty sure you're one of the people who despise modern versions of Windows. "End of Support" is quite a joke anyway as it's merely a scare tactic to those who don't know how to use their own brain to protect themselves from security attacks.

    (I'm fine with 11 myself and use it on my laptop, though my desktop is using 10 v1909 as the theme I use doesn't work with anything newer than that.)
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    Why would I wanna go back to outdated OSes that are slowly losing support?
    I don't have any problems with 11 and I use it for all kinds of stuff (including gaming) but if there's something you don't like about it ok
    Ngl, Phil Spencer, the guy in charge of the least successful video game hardware platform, saying that Nintendo needs to see that their future is 'off their own hardware' is hilarious.
    Very much did not break my statement about Pokémon cards from yesterday. Literally I bought was three single boosters, one of those three packs of boosters with a promo card and a pin, and a couple of mini-tins with a couple of boosters (and some other gubbins inside them).

    Look when I said 'standard packs', I basically meant like 'not buying anything like big tins and other stuff like that'. With the exception of these two small tins and their gubbins, everything other than the cards is just gonna be thrown out after I open it. (I'm not going to be buying cards every single time I go out either, hell I'm gonna be taking a nice long break from anything other than regular shopping [and the stuff I need for my laptop when I get that back] anyways. So you know if I'm shopping for groceries at Walmart and toss like a couple of packs in the cart once every few trips, let me dammit)
    Pretty sure I spent like $120 on Pokémon cards today.

    Not too bad, all things considered but I'm definitely going to be taking a break from buying anything more than standard packs after tomorrow (I'm going to the third biggest mall in the country and taking the train to boot)
    I think I spent like $3 on a happy meal with a pokemon toy once
    That's the extent of my pokemon story
    I spent $20 recently and almost completed the regular Silver Tempest set!
    Why are some Mario fans so adamant that there must be some secret drama between Charles Martinet and Nintendo and that's why he's no longer voicing him in the games like goddamn the dude nearly 68 years old.
    people just assumed that there's bad blood between the two parties and not an unanimous decision, probably because he wanted to keep going with voicing mario for as long as possible- he's mentioned it numerous times

    but he's getting old, and if this new video's anything to go by, any quarrel between anyone anywhere has been squashed long beforehand
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    I'd argue 68 isn't even that old (Tom Kenny is 61 and Frank Welker is 77 for example and both have done a far far more taxing roles than Martinet; I get bodies detoriate at different rates but I'm not sold on 68 being "too old") but whatever. I'm not even saying Martinet is a "poor bullied tragic individual" and I don't like to insinuate that I'll come to his defense (I won't even care if AI voices Mario from now on), I don't like the entire situation because just seems sketchy.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    im sorry but everything about this situation is largely suspect: the odd abrupt timing, combined with my general intense distrust of the game industry for many reasons, and the limited facts we know (martinet claiming he wants to voice mario until he dies; also martinet apparently saying that if he can't do the voice accurately any more he'll get an understudy) including the recent thing where Doug Bowser was saying Martinet would be happy to discuss about his new role and Martinet then saying he has no idea wtf he's going to do; the recent very awkward video; they don't add up. "ambassador" remains an elusive term whose vague definition calls more to pr damage control or marketing buzzword than any explanaiton. the new voice actor remains at large (why? we don't know. it could be protection from harassment? or something more sketchy. yes i know im capable of good faith reasons for this.) "he's old" is not a convincing defense either.

    and to be frank, i don't appreciate the attempt here at a dissmissive mocking strawman of people who don't really like the current hand being dealt. not at all. that's not cool. i feel my views are misrepresented and mocked. you can disagree respectfully: i think my concerns are valid and i stand by them.
    I went to the dentist the other day and got my teeth cleaned lol.

    I need to go back in like 5 weeks though.
    y'all remember how nintendo decided to put the power button on the 3DS is the exact same spot as the start and select buttons on every DS model since the DS Lite?
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Yeah, that's definitely inconvenient, as I'm always afraid I'm accidentally gonna press the power button and shut off my game whenever I want to save my game.
    I HAVE accidentally shut off the 3DS in the middle of a game, especially when things get intense because I'm holding it harder.
    I've only used the 3DS, never the DS, so I never knew that. Huh.
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    'apparently' being the type of person who is aware that android is technically a linux distro makes me count as a linux user, so i guess the trans linux user stereotype counts with me as well damb it
    guess who has a 24 inch tall eevee plush now
    My mind must be in the gutter because when I saw 24 inch I immediately thought of something else

    I'm talking about Subway sandwiches, of course, what else would I have meant?
    Objectively the worst part of liking children's shows as an adult is other adults who like these shows but refuse to accept that they're for kids.
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    @Master Toadsworth I mean I'm specifically talking about stuff where the target audience for the series is children (but can be enjoyed by adults as well) but some adults in the fandom can't grasp that and want the series to start containing more 'mature' adult content not realizing that a series where the target demographic is like 12 year olds is not going to suddenly start having like the main characters kill the villains or whatever.
    Daniel Dyce
    Daniel Dyce
    You telling me I wasn't the target audience for Amphibia and that the creators weren't specifically trying appeal to my tastes???
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    No, I disagree that most animated shows are for general audiences, because that's far too wide of a net to cast to even get any audience. They're heavily made in mind for kids in that target demographic (something like Fairly Oddparents and My Little Pony is absolutely targeted for around the 10 year old demographic). The primary thing that also gets adults hooked onto is simply just compelling writing, characters, story, presentation, etc, practically anything that makes your show interesting and fun to watch. Something like Seasons 1-3 Spongebob is just very well-written, targeted for kids, but has well-researched humor that breaches the age difference.
    oh yeah i guess i'm aromantic or something.

    i mean i'm still lesbian too and if people don't like it, they can stay mad in all honesty.
    Triplets born
    The Throne Awaits
    A seer Warns of A Deady Fate
    Give up your Children Separate
    Bide Your Time Lie in Wait

    marioooo surfaceeee
    marioooo surfaceeee
    You know, this kinda fits with Animaniacs.

    Triplets born = The Warner Siblings

    The throne awaits = The siblings were once great

    A seer warns of a deadly fate = CEO orders the siblings to be locked up

    Give up your children, separate = The Warners are locked away in the water tower

    Bide your time, lie in wait = The Warners eventually escape the tower and begin causing havoc

    then again its a stretch
    The Orca
    The Orca
    Sonic on the ground. Sonic on the ground.

    Mario made a vow that the IRS and the place that Yoshi is hiding will be found.

    They made a vow that the rest of the Animaniac characters will be found.
    Sometimes I get worried that my constant name changes will make new users not realize what my regular username is (which includes my actual first name shush) but then I remember 'Wait shit I have my normal username in my sig image' lmao
    If you put Princess Viola in your MarioWiki identity field, it should pop up near your pronouns whenever you post. I don't know if you're on the wiki or not, but really you can use it just for the sake of easy identification, especially if someone doesn't have sigs on
    I mean sure, if it's something culturally significant like music, then yes, it would be good to preserve it, and you don't need specific hardware or anything to do so. But video games are such a small part of history, and the requirements to preserve them so high, I don't think they'll mean much 100, heck 50 years from now. Partially because I guaran-damn-tee you that there'll be something, a war or terrorist attack or something in the next 100 years or so, probably in our lifetime, that takes away a lot of the technology from the past 130 years. Then we'll be back to living how we did for the first 6000 years of history and the Marius and Zeldys will be the last thing on our mind.
    Princess Viola
    Princess Viola
    'I guarantee some horrible disaster will happen in our lifetime that sets us back to the 1800s technology-wise' isn't the argument against video game preservation that you think it is fam.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    video games are culturally significant.
    the web is getting worse and worse
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    Meow Skulls
    Meow Skulls
    The spiders are having a rough day, give em a break
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    the internet can go to shit for all i care so long as web archive websites aren't ever caught in the crossfire.

    that would be catastrophic.
    The web is getting better and better

    It's just that the big corps make use of that to make it appear worse
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