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  • So I went to Nintendo NYC and this guy said 'do you want to talk to Mario'
    and inside I'm like yeah that would be sick
    I'm pretty sure this is an event that I just happened to show up at the right time for AND I'm the only one there rn so I'm super lucky right?
    Except I was supposed to leave pretty soon so we could catch a tour bus
    So I panicked and said 'no I don't really have time' and now I feel bad for missing out on that
    if it helps, I've been there and it's very likely he just meant the auto-responder thing on the second floor

    not seeing anything on their twitter about COME MEET MARIO the way they once had COME MEET KIRBY too
    Peachette in Mario Kart 8? What the hell???
    Peachette is not to be played as under any circumstances whatsoever.

    They made a Noah amiibo
    who still plays yo-kai watch

    (these are from two of my different YouTube channels. One is for AI content and the other is 8-bit/pixelart stuff)
    I still like the series quite a lot, even though I don't play it much these days.
    tbh I just listened to pop music over these videos with earbuds so I will never know what Yo-kai watch sounds like. Trump looks wonderful performing in place of Shawn Mendes tho
    me sinking hours into crafting an elaborate well-designed troll level with a desert/ice theme that incorporates multiple twice twices
    I just started Bowsers Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey. I played the original when I was younger, so it's very fun to re-experience it again with improved graphics and smoother movement, even if the sound design leaves something to be desired.

    Though it is much faster paced than I remember. Pretty sure it took me a lot more than an hour and a half to reach Plack Beach last time I played 😑
    Honestly I really enjoyed Paper Mario Color Splash. I don't get the hate for it I've seen in some places. I think people need to judge it on its own merits, not as something it isn't- a followup to Thousand Year Door
    >he has an opinion on paper mario games

    kill him.
    Lin Beifong
    Lin Beifong
    If you don't want to be compared to games that came before, don't brand yourself as part of the series. If you don't want to be seen as a follow-up to something, don't give yourself the same name. Simple as.

    If you call yourself Paper Mario, you get all the clout and recognition (and sales) that name carries upfront. But you also have to live up to the name you took on. You can't have just one but not the other, it is the fair trade-off vs. being a stand-alone game.

    Call it "New Paper Mario", problem solved.
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    As time goes on I've come to dislike the "judge it on its own merits" argument for sequels more for a pretty simple reason. If a follow-up is serviceable enough it's easy to say that it's good in a vacuum, but the problem is that it just isn't the case, because it doesn't actually exist in a vacuum. If previous entries are better, then that shows the team that made it can and has done a better job than they're doing now (unless no one involved on the earlier entries is around anymore). Saying that an inferior product is fine - as long as you ignore all the times that they made something better - is just settling for mediocrity, and that generally isn't going to produce better quality in the long run.

    Now don't get me wrong, I'm not faulting anyone for enjoying Color Splash, or anything you could apply this argument to, really. If you're able to get enjoyment out of something, great! I'm just trying to explain why I don't like this line of thinking much.

    Also, Edo was spot on about brand recognition. Let's say I'm a fan of a certain movie, and then they make a sequel that barely has anything to do with the original, and was most likely only made a sequel in the first place to cash in on the original. Maybe the sequel is perfectly fine in its own right, but I don't think it would be wrong for anyone to say the movie is bad for being so disconnected from the movie it's supposedly a follow-up to.
    holy darn is that a ytmnd
    Omg I can't believe I just got Lancered I am literally shaking and crying rn,,,,,,,,,,,
    If you haven't already, check out a new kind of Strategy game here:

    It's called a Quest. Quests are low commitment forum games with interactive, RPG-like gameplay. There are no sign-ups- all you need to do to play is vote in the thread. Hope to see you there!
    i bet you put a ton of thought into this theme...

    a skele-ton
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Of course you do this theme just AFTER I drop the Undertale one I'd had for months lol. I was already prepared for an unforgettable themeing, but in doing so, I took away any possible hopes and dreams of matching Undertale themes.
    Actually I changed mine before you but I guess you just didn't notice lol

    I'd be down to do matching Undertale themes next month tho. I was thinking of doing an Amalgamate theme in August/September if I'm still interested in Undertale then
    Thinking of buying Pikmin 1+2 on Switch since I haven't played Pikmin before. Should I?
    graaaaaaaaaah play pikmin !!
    Daniel Dyce
    Daniel Dyce
    Buying pikmin is always morally and legally correct
    I would recommend it. It's a pretty good deal, and Pikmin is one Shigeru Miyamoto's better creations alongside Mario and Zelda.
    c'est moi un mario wahoo allons-y le temps de tirer sur ces fils de putes
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Scottish Mario, French Mario...

    SiFi, how many Marios of varying nationalities are there?
    Good question. I don't think it's as simple as "there's one for every nationality", but that still doesn't narrow it down that much.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    the French Mario one with XXL on its title is basically copyright infringement the video game
    I just downloaded gamemaker studio and am going to try to make a game. I already have a decent amount of experience but this will be my first time using this platform. Wish me luck
    I like fireworks
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    i like them but only when real professionals do them and not set them off in residential areas in the middle of the night
    Locking everything behind "professionals" is boring and authoritarian.
    Indeed. If you set a house on fire that's just a skill issue tbh
    So I'm not going to be here for about a week cause I'm going on a camping trip where there won't be Wi-Fi. If you want to, you can consider this post a preemptive sign up to any presentation, scribble showdown, or killing games that crop over that time
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