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  • Gonna be honest with ya: I find grown up cats cuter than kittens
    Maybe because my own cat is lovable despite being an old lady
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    Gotta be honest with ya: Both puppies and grown up dogs are cuter than both
    Give me new weird words to confuse my dogs with
    How about Ugga Booga? My mom says that to me sometimes, and I think it's pretty funny.

    Raggle Fraggle would also work. Harold said that in the Billy and Mandy episode Har There Be Dwarves, which is one of my favorites in the series by the way.
    Valence! Effervescence! Psoriasis! Bombasticism! Polaroid! Melanoma! The list goes on!
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    Mail carrier
    The asshole genie that always twist wishes to be for the worst when I wish he has a great life: 😥
    that one's easy him having a great life involves tormenting you
    I'm really worried about my cat, she is pooping on the ground and hiding in hard to reach places, same thing happened with a cat that is no longer with us
    That's a good idea. If I remember correctly, most cats tend to stop urinating and defecating as often, become less responsive, and eat less then normal when nearing the end of their life. Best of luck to you and your cat.
    Thank you very much
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    Reactions: Wahoo
    My cat poops on the ground when she is mad or displeased and pukes a lot too.

    I hope you can get a new cat if your other passes away
    What would you tell to someone on how to make vegetables taste better if they don't like their natural taste? I like my vegetables steamed myself
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    It'd really depend on the vegetable itself but to me, a simple stir fry makes most vegetables delicious. Spinach is my favorite stir fried veggie.
    I hate this place, how do I move to Donkey Kong Country?
    (This place means where I live and not the boards)
    Sure move in with Donkey Kong and have a diet of bananas
    I hate General White
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    Reactions: Sparks
    Ray Trace
    Ray Trace
    all of my homies hate general white
    He's actually a bit less bad in the remake because the better blue pipe room makes the backtracking slightly easier
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    Reactions: SavK
    I might be the only person on the planet who doesn't mind the backtracking in Thousand Year Door. Actually, I kind of like the General White portion of chapter 7
    A Mario Kart tournament: The racers' Car Insurance's Dream or nightmare?
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Considering how much punishment those karts can take and drive away with not even any visible damage I'd imagine the insurers aren't too worried about it
    Somehow non matter what I do they still run. Like a bash into a wall still running I bash into someone else it still runs.
    I'm like forced to be a tsundere to the Sun, I know I can't live without it but I still hate to be hot and sweaty
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