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  • I've always hated how people on Mario Amino roleplayed as the Brothers. Like they make Luigi so cold and uninviting, even if L isn't controling him (which let's be honest, is the stupidest thing ever) And don't get me started on Mario, he straight up needs anger management.

    These people even played LM3 where Luigi's babeyness shines and they still make him, not himself.
    It'Z dAiSy!
    It'Z dAiSy!
    Personally, I think everyone should be able to play as their own versions of characters, but I can understand the fustration of everyone playing them the exact same way.
    Well, they aren't playing a different version of Luigi or Mario. That's what gets me angry. If it was an AU Luigi or Mario I'd be fine with it.
    I drew an ugly Peach lol
    Try drawing lots, and lots, and lots of shapes (especially circles!), lines and curves. Then try building characters off of shapes. Also try to do them as fast as possible, and pressing the pencil as little as you can and doing the least possible amount of loops.

    I'm far from a pro but all of this should improve your pulse considerably. It did so with me. After that, either do blocking or gesture to boost your speed and figures (I have yet to master that ok).

    But yes, I like this Peach. This is just my advice.

    we're doing it bois

    Also you smart for using edge. That's what I use on my PC, had no idea other people use it to.
    I like that top right fan fic and I wanna read it
    Also please make a wario shrine site thanks.
    I'm trying to figure out how to showcase fanfictions on my Luigi shrine site...

    I'm gonna try this idea I have first..
    It's that time again!
    • Like
    Reactions: Toadettefan and Ten
    Elwensà is an amazing artist, she's very good at gore :P
    By the way, look up Luigi fan art. Should be heaven for you. Seeing how you like luigi fan art so much.
    I got three already seen images of Princess Luigi then a lot of Fluttershy x Luigi then I quit lol
    I melt inside when someone draws Mario/Luigi with the fwuffy uwu eyebrows.

    Case in point

    Oh? Never knew that. With MMD my Mario odyssey model has to have a morph to turn off and on the cowlicks or else they will clip out his hat.

    And plushes are balding too lel. Which is why I was so excited with the Mario plush with interchangeable hats! I think that may be the first Mario plush with his fluff still intact.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Oh you use MMD? I'd like to mess around with it and have Mario dance to KPop or something but I don't have the time right now to learn a new program. But if you look at the model in another program, you'll see how they manage to hide the hair. Some games just completely erase the top of Mario's head, like in Smash Bros. where you can catch Mario's top of his head disappearing when he side-taunts and you see bits of the cutoff head when he hangs on a ledge and the hat pitches up.

    The worst thing about the Super Mario Odyssey plush is that Cappy actually doesn't do a great job staying on his head, so I usually leave Cappy off. Not sure if I can say the same for Top Hat for Wedding Mario as I don't own that plush (shocker, I know). I think you're correct that the plush is one of the first ones where the fluff is intact and that makes me happy but I like the hat to stay on his head. I'm sure they make him bald not because they're cruel to Mario, but just a guarantee the forehead looks clean or maybe it's easier to stitch that way.
    relatedly i think the reason their hair points upward is specifically because of being in the cap all the time so it just kinda shapes like it
    anyway i like it sticking out just because it cute and also i just really really love marios hair for no reason
    DDR: Mario Mix is absolute torture.

    Something about Luigi dancing just makes me highly uncomfortable.

    At least I can perfect my Toad voice!
    Xiahou Dun
    Waluigi dancing with those sexy legs to remixed Wrecking Crew with lyrics makes it all worth it.
    I've recently found out about myself that almost all of my "fictional crushes" were started or have turned into me just having them as father figures. Take All Might from BNHA for example, I really loved him because he was an absolute joy on screen and how he treated all of his students at UA as his kids. Especially with Izuku~

    Now, I still do have a couple of true fictional crushes, but that list has become very small.
    how even does it feel like to have a fictional crush at all i do get SUPER attached to characters but i don think ive felt something like this
    Well, it's kinda hard to explain...I just really love certain characters like father figures (all of these characters are male). I can also just look at a character and say they give father/mother vibes.

    I also just live with my mom so maybe I have daddy issues? Doubt it.
    Fun fact about me:

    I tried to mod my copy of SSBB so I could have the Princess Luigi costume and now every time I open custom stages my game crashes. Never again will I mod-
    Unless you did something horribly wrong, game mods make no permanent changes to either your game or console, so removing the SD should fix everything. Or just remove the mod files from the SD, that should work too.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Well according to the bug report thread it appears that custom stages just can't be accessed probably because "there's a code in the .gct file preventing you from doing so; it's so that you don't try to play the stage that hackless Wii users need to boot up the mod "
    You have to wait 2 hour(s) to change your username again.


    London Parris
    London Parris
    Yeah, it gets me when it is the day I am able to change my username. It can be annoying, it is best if it allowed us to do it midnight of the day you can change it.
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