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  1. ghostyoshi67

    The what if game

    We would be sad. Real sad. What if the internet never existed?
  2. ghostyoshi67

    Two choices

    The answer Sour | Sweet
  3. ghostyoshi67

    What do u want to be

    A cartoonist. =)
  4. ghostyoshi67

    New Year's Resolutions

    Yeppers. Got one cuz I was really bored. =3
  5. ghostyoshi67

    You're a mean one.....Mr......SAKURAI?

    *votes first option* Awesomeness.
  6. ghostyoshi67

    New Year's Resolutions

    Really? *checks calender*... Huh, better get to work then... >__> OH YEAH, I forgot another resolution. - Try not to be as lazy as last year. Maybe that's where the pounds came from...
  7. ghostyoshi67

    New Year's Resolutions

    Yeah, I'm going to lose them. After New Year's.
  8. ghostyoshi67

    New Year's Resolutions

    I lol'd at Dodoman's list XD Er, okay... 1. Since I now have a Wiki, I'm gonna edit some moar. 2. Ummmm... eat less. I'm gaining a few pounds o_O 3. Study harder! That's it, really.
  9. ghostyoshi67

    Stupid questions, stupid answers.

    'Cuz he's Mario. Why do I like kitties?
  10. ghostyoshi67

    Does your school have any "dumb" rules?

    So? I can deal with the crazy rules in my school although I got in trouble 3 times D:
  11. ghostyoshi67

    Does your school have any "dumb" rules?

    Hah. I keep remembering all these stupid rules I had in school when I read this thread... We're not aloud to say "hush", "be quiet", and definately "shut up" in school. Only the teachers are aloud to say them. o_O
  12. ghostyoshi67

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    There's a "New People" thread on this board... but anyways, welcome! Follow da rules and have a good time, k? :P
  13. ghostyoshi67

    Happy New Year!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR Still not 2008 here yet though... c'mon just a few more hours...
  14. ghostyoshi67


    Ohhhhhhhhh. Kay.
  15. ghostyoshi67


    I dunno. You and Uniju...
  16. ghostyoshi67


  17. ghostyoshi67


    ...Forgot to quote you. SORRY. :| Um, back on topic. My brother spends time on MySpace alot... plus all my friends have one, and they always beg me to have one. I also believe that MySpace is a mindless fad.
  18. ghostyoshi67


    QFT at Uniju.
  19. ghostyoshi67

    Whose 's better Koopalings or Bowser Jr.?

    Koopalings for teh win. BRING THEM BACK. D:
  20. ghostyoshi67

    Does your school have any "dumb" rules?

    rofl ANOTHER DUMB RULE: YOU CAN'T TALK ANYWHERE. NOT EVEN IN THE GYM, OR IN THE LUNCH ROOM. We don't have recess anymore, so... You can only talk after school. ;_; I got in trouble twice.... agh.
  21. ghostyoshi67


  22. ghostyoshi67


    See thread: "ITT: Act like ChaosNinji"...
  23. ghostyoshi67

    Your fav major Galaxy

    Good Egg was pretty fun.
  24. ghostyoshi67

    Which Galaxy would you/would you not live in?

    Sweet Sweet Galaxy: I'd live there. YUM. Melty Molten: Wouldn't live there. Too hot...
  25. ghostyoshi67

    Will There be Animal Crossing Characters in SSBB?

    I think an axe would be pretty good as a weapon... not sure about the character; probably just the character you play as in the game.
  26. ghostyoshi67

    Characters or species in 3D

    Koopalings. That would be awesome.
  27. ghostyoshi67


    ...xD? Ummm, my friends are obsessed with Runescape, and they suggested I try it, but I didn't like it... it's a bit boring, IMO...
  28. ghostyoshi67

    Petey Piranha's Weight Vs. Bowser's Weight

    (Lol at first I thought the other option was going to be Wario.) :shifty: Bowser.
  29. ghostyoshi67

    Species in 3D

    Eh.... I vote for all of 'em.
  30. ghostyoshi67

    What inspired YOUR avatar?

    Kitty getting pwned by a snowball. Just in time for winter. =3
  31. ghostyoshi67

    Internet Lingo!

    Moar - More Y halo thar - Why hello there
  32. ghostyoshi67

    Who is cooler,Waluigi,or wario?

    Wario. He owns.
  33. ghostyoshi67

    Which boss fights you wanna Sii in Brawl?

    Thirded. That would be awesome.
  34. ghostyoshi67

    Internet Lingo!

    Haha I love those. xD Okay, some more: IDC - I Don't Care IDK - I Don't Know FTL - For The Lose GOL - Giggle Out Loud SW? - So What? <(:@) - Pig =_= - Stitched Face
  35. ghostyoshi67

    What should come back?

    I voted for Ridable Yoshi.
  36. ghostyoshi67

    Rate the User above avatar!

    10/10 Awesome.
  37. ghostyoshi67

    Rate the User above avatar!

    8/10 Cool.
  38. ghostyoshi67

    What did YOU get for Christmas?

    NINTENDO WORLD?! I always wanted to go there ;_; Um. I forgot, I also got loads of candy. And Guitar Hero. Best Christmas evar
  39. ghostyoshi67

    What did YOU get for Christmas?

    I got some more stuff. - Super Mario Galaxy - Mario Party 8 - Sonic Rush Adventure - Mario and Sonic - Camera - Clothes - Some comics - A few movies I also got a new red DS. ...I'll miss Christmas ;_;
  40. ghostyoshi67

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    ^ REASON HAS BEEN TAKEN Blocked because you like Weird Al
  41. ghostyoshi67

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked for calling your own emoticon "cruddy".
  42. ghostyoshi67

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    ^ Reason is taken. Blocked for having a sig.
  43. ghostyoshi67

    Rate the User above avatar!

    6/10 Pretty cute.
  44. ghostyoshi67

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked for having a sig with bad grammar.
  45. ghostyoshi67

    The All-Purpose, Machine-Washable Christmas Thread!

    You're welcome. Hmmm, actually I think I've seen that somewhere..... Good. Looking forward to moar.
  46. ghostyoshi67

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked for having voices in your head.
  47. ghostyoshi67

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    crystalking: That reason's been used already. Blocked for having a Shy Guy avatar.
  48. ghostyoshi67

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked for having 751 posts.
  49. ghostyoshi67

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Gosh, I thought it wasn't used. Sorry ._. For crystalking: capitalizing "ha" in your post.