The ending is near... so close... in the middle of racing like the staff... if I don't make it to issue 171 by tonight, don't wait for me, go on your own...
I think triple gold shell is a bit to op, and as BLoF (finally figured out what that one means) said, a Mario Kart game only intoduces four new items max, so mini mushroom, gold shell, and the singular and triple black shells should be the new items. More thoughts later.
Ok, well, you're gonna have to wait, as anxiety kept me from making the podcast tonight, and I'm not going to do it untill I know for sure the anxiety is managable, and doesn't waste time every 20 minutes.
Soooooooooooooooo... quick question. I'm about to record the first podcast, but how should I put it on youtube: as a premire or just post it normally when it's finished?
My anxiety is calming down, but it isn't completly gone. Also, I'm planning on my first episode of The Thinker's Log Book, Nintendo's E3 Direct: The good, the bad, and the meh, tobe recorded and posted tonight.