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  1. PanchamBro

    They ruined their own logo omg.

    They ruined their own logo omg.
  2. PanchamBro

    Undertale + Deltarune

  3. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but the whole world gets to hear it, very loudly. I wish I had motivation.
  4. PanchamBro

    LeftyGreenMario's Anti-Wario propaganda (fan art thread)

    Can't wait for the Mario ballet game to come out!
  5. PanchamBro

    I have a new/avatar/sig/whatever.

    It's been a while since I updated my profile; nowadays I don't usually like being a Cinderace and more atuned to using my ol' Pancham OC. So I drew a new version of my original Pancham OC, and I'm right now using that as my new profile picture.
  6. PanchamBro

    The official name change announcement thread

    User Cinderace has changed their username to PanchamBro.
  7. PanchamBro

    Usernames combine!

    Empress of the Cinderace Winds
  8. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    First I will not call you Wakko, and second, granted, but your lucky ha'penny is worth nothing; you don't get good luck, but bad luck. I wish I had a Pancham in my room.
  9. PanchamBro

    Usernames combine!

    Anncinderace Kotori Minami
  10. PanchamBro

    Rate the User above avatar!

  11. PanchamBro

    Name change chain

    It's been a while since I updated the list, but once more I apologize for the long list. This is gonna be a disaster...
  12. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but the coconut gun, can not fire in spurts... I wish everyone knew of Pancham.
  13. PanchamBro

    The official name change announcement thread

    User Raboot has changed their username to Cinderace.
  14. PanchamBro

    The official name change announcement thread

    User Scorbunny has changed their username to Raboot.
  15. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, it's MARIO HOLY S- I wish that Veemon was my home.
  16. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but it's tainted by Megalovania. I wish I had a Digimon.
  17. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, hope they do. Yeah, nothing bad happens, just hoping for the best. I wish Pokemon had the national dex (even tho I'm fine with no Dex though I'm also not fine with fans unhappy about the game so...)
  18. PanchamBro

    Usernames combine!

    Scorbunny Dark
  19. PanchamBro

    The official name change announcement thread

    User The Forums Bros. has changed their username to Scorbunny.
  20. PanchamBro

    Rate the User above avatar!

    who is that/10
  21. PanchamBro

    Rate the User above avatar!

    Screw Luigi/10
  22. PanchamBro

    Rate the User above avatar!

  23. PanchamBro

    Usernames combine!

    Embrace the Scorbunny. EMBRACE THEM.
  24. PanchamBro

    Usernames combine!

    Scorbunny from the Depth of the Pokemon Hell Itself. ...why did I do this?
  25. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but now everything with Quest will now be renamed to Warrior (e.g. Question is now Warriorion) I wish I survived.
  26. PanchamBro

    Usernames combine!

    Marchibunny Scorlisti
  27. PanchamBro

    Count until a teenager posts

  28. PanchamBro

    Rate the User above avatar!

    poochy is cutechy/10
  29. PanchamBro

    Count until a teenager posts

    -7 oops
  30. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    And that's it folks, Chespin indeed won one heck of a battle.
  31. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Piplup Snivy Safe Chespin Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile Litten Tepig Squirtle Bulbasaur Oshawott Chikorita Treecko Turtwig Torchic Fennekin Rowlet
  32. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    oops u late.
  33. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Snivy Piplup Rowlet Safe Chespin Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile Litten Tepig Squirtle Bulbasaur Oshawott Chikorita Treecko Turtwig Torchic Fennekin
  34. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Rowlet Fennekin Safe Snivy Piplup Chespin Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile Litten Tepig Squirtle Bulbasaur Oshawott Chikorita Treecko Turtwig Torchic
  35. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Piplup Snivy Fennekin Rowlet Torchic Safe Chespin Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile Litten Tepig Squirtle Bulbasaur Oshawott Chikorita Treecko Turtwig
  36. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Turtwig Treecko Safe Piplup Snivy Torchic Rowlet Fennekin Chespin Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile Litten Tepig Squirtle Bulbasaur Oshawott Chikorita
  37. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Snivy Piplup Turtwig Torchic Treecko Fennekin Rowlet Chikorita Safe Chespin Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile Litten Tepig Squirtle Bulbasaur Oshawott
  38. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Safe Piplup Snivy Torchic Rowlet Fennekin Treecko Chikorita Turtwig Oshawott Chespin Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile Litten Tepig Squirtle Bulbasaur
  39. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Snivy Oshawott Turtwig Piplup Treecko Torchic Rowlet Fennekin Chespin Chikorita Bulbasaur Squirtle Safe Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile Litten Tepig
  40. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Bulbasaur Litten Squirtle Safe Snivy Fennekin Chespin Treecko Chikorita Turtwig Torchic Rowlet Piplup Tepig Oshawott Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile
  41. PanchamBro

    Save A Character: PokeStarter Edition!

    In Danger Chikorita Turtwig Torchic Bulbasaur Piplup Treecko Oshawott Rowlet Tepig Litten Squirtle Safe Snivy Fennekin Chespin Out Cyndaquil Popplio Mudkip Froakie Charmander Chimchar Totodile
  42. PanchamBro

    Usernames combine!

  43. PanchamBro

    Things that people love to hate

    I don't think people hated on the GameCube much as what happened with the Wii U. The PlayStation 2's growing fanbase, thanks to the implementation of a DVD drive, is what killed off the competitors and is the reason why the GameCube was so underrated for many years.
  44. PanchamBro

    Things that people love to hate

    The Wii U is definitely something most people were hating back in its day. Although many of us loved the Wii U, there were some really critical players, including hardcore gamers, that really despises the Wii U. And that's sad.
  45. PanchamBro

    Name change chain

    This is gonna be a disaster...
  46. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, hope you like wet hands. Ha ha get it because Minecraft song title okay I'll stop. I wish there was a potato in my house right now.
  47. PanchamBro

    The official name change announcement thread

    Farewell Pancham...sigh... Please rename me to Scorbunny.
  48. PanchamBro

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but now it won't respond at all. I wish we got another fire/fighting Pokemon for people to rage about.