I had to find a good J-Pop song and it was hard but here ya go. I also love J-Pop. So if you have any good ones you would suggest, just send them my way here in this thread!
Once Again by Mariya Takeuchi
I hid for over a decade being a bisexual I felt that way since the age of five. I only came out a year or two ago. Same with me being non-binary. I will have to fight South Carolina's courts to rename myself to Sarah or Flora.
A Don't Tread On Me flag and a U.S. Army flag. I have a total of five. I have the South Carolina flag, the flag of the thirteen colonies and a civil war flag.
I am at my sister's place in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. I will be back in my mobile home back in Myrtle Beach Sunday. I know of no complaints @Mister M.
I would say enchanting magic apparel in Skyrim to reduce the Magica cost to zero so you can spam spells without running out of the stuff. And pair that with a master destruction spell and not even dragons can beat you. You would even tear guard forces apart.
I met my brother James earlier today. Yes I share a name with my brother. We have different surnames too. I am the youngest out of all my brothers and sisters.
God's Building a Church by Gold City.
Why do I have this on repeat on YouTube for most of yesterday and ever since I woke up? Reason, Tim Riley's bass is good.
I love these drawings! You just keep on nailing artwork after artwork. Maybe you can be the online version of Leonardo da Vinci, but I believe you already have achieved that status.
I have this tradition every year since I was a little one. I stay awake past midnight on 4 June and then I celebrate my birthday when the clock strikes 0:00. And guess what today is, 4 June.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
I am mastering Terry as a secondary. I can easily do his Go! Special moves easily. I set my handicap to 100% in battles and I beat up level 1 CPUs with my skills.