I forgot to say yesterday that my sickness is Unidentified Respiratory Infection. I'm on an antibiotic for the next few days and I'm really hoping I get better by the time school starts.
Sunshine is maybe the most hit or miss Mario game of all time. I love how creative it is and how well the movement plays but some of the level design is really rough.
So whatever I'm sick with has gotten worse and I feel pretty awful at the moment but I'm going to health services tomorrow to hopefully find out what's going on.
This question is mainly for who's in/been to college but can also be answered by anyone - what's the greatest number of books you've ever needed for (A) one class and (B) one semester? Because I think I might have a new record for both of those numbers.
I took a nice little break while I got through my anxiety issues and finished my summer classes and I'm feeling a lot better now.
E: Well I'm feeling better except for the laryngitis that I've had for like a week now but besides that, I'm doing pretty well.
Instead of celebrating America today (because goddamn am I ashamed of this country), I'm going to pay more attention to the 100th birthday of the Caesar salad. No need to be worried about the politics of celebrating a classic food.
One half of me has been wanting to finally get a fursona so I can more easily make friends in the furry community. The other half of me is redeveloping a Shy Guy fixation. For some reason both halves can't win at the same time.
There's no better way to start my day off in a downer mood than by giving me a dream with a whole bunch of cool things happening just for me to wake up and realize reality is still bad.
Writing is a fun hobby because instead of "rules for thee but not for me" it's more like "rules for me and not for thee." The number of arbitrary rules I love to impose on myself would look absolutely ridiculous if it were to be put into a numbered list but everyone else's writing? Just have...
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I know 9 and 10 are "the bad ones" but I'd rather they try new things than just keep making the same game over and over.
But anyway, I'm a sucker for Mario Party so of course I'm going to buy this. I'm glad to see the character roster from Super...
Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me - Juice Newton
Not going to say why but this song feels relevant to me today. It's also one of my current fixations.
I've returned from a week full of the most godawful luck ever. I'm hoping my mental health keeps getting better from here now that I've cut my mom out of my life and I'm close to starting my transition.
Just wanted to give a bit of an update - yesterday when I said I needed some time, I was still dealing with the emotional hurt that came from my mom's transphobic speech toward me a couple weeks ago. I'm still working through that so I'm going to need some more time, but today I spent an hour...
I'm still feeling really hurt from my mom's rant from a couple weeks ago. It's genuinely affected my mental health to the point that I've had to start more frequent therapy. Think I'm going to need to take some time to try to heal.
My writing mojo has been totally gone lately so I'm thinking of going over to campus and spending a few hours at the library so I can get some writing done. I'd go to the building I usually write in but the air conditioning there is awful to the point that I nearly passed out there once so I...
They were so close to having the best version of Mario 64 but they just botched the controls so bad D:
Don't get me wrong, I can get used to them, but I'm not going to say they're even remotely close to as good as they were in the original.
Last night I dreamed that after my ex made me miss my counseling appointment today, I came here to a metric ton of messages from one of the mods telling me I had to roleplay as Diddy Kong. I told them I couldn't do it because I was going through mental health issues.
@Doctor Bowser I get that but I've just never had it happen with tastes before. Grocery stores definitely all have unique smells but it reminded me a little of how one of my friends has colors associated with letters.