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  1. QuilavaRDSP


    I had TWO dreams last night. One of them was like a movie of sorts, where I was taken to a house and then got into a vehicle with Sarah Palin (I have absolutely no idea why) and some Australian guy and we were driving off of cliffs onto trees and crap like that. The second dream was some sort of...
  2. QuilavaRDSP

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    Oh my god that made me laugh for some reason despite how horrifying it is
  3. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    No but I've come really close. I know which Golden Bananas I'm missing but getting ALL bananas and banana coins will be a hassle. Beaver Bother is REALLY ANNOYING, I don't want to revisit Gloomy Galleon and the only bananas I can be 100% sure belong to a certain Kong are Diddy's. I might try...
  4. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Donkey Kong 64 Man, I'm really close to the end.
  5. QuilavaRDSP

    Your current mood.

  6. QuilavaRDSP

    Your favorite VG music.

    There's too much to even comprehend but some of my favourite soundtracks are from: Donkey Kong 64 Mario RPGs in general Crash Bandicoot (almost any of them really but especially pre-Tag Team Racing and definitely not after then) Earthbound (also a bit of Mother 3) Mario Kart Wii Pokemon Mystery...
  7. QuilavaRDSP


    In my last dream, I was at a convention and saw some of my classmates and a previous teacher there.
  8. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Paper Mario Colour Splash I was playing it yesterday to ease off some of my anger from Donkey Kong 64's Beaver Bother minigame. UGH! That's not the worst part; as it turns out, there's ANOTHER ONE IN THE SAME LEVEL.
  9. QuilavaRDSP

    Your headcanons

    Mario and Bowser are only enemies because of their rivalry over Princess Peach.
  10. QuilavaRDSP

    what's the longest you've ever gone without [blank]?

    Probably 2 years. Longest without exercising?
  11. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team I'm training up a Growlithe for the more diffcult upcoming dungeons.
  12. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Pink Gold Peach fan posts

    Except this time 0 hasn't 1!
  13. QuilavaRDSP

    Favorite and least favorite cartoons currently airing

    Favorite - Probably The Amazing World of Gumball Least favorite - Teen Titans Go, definitely.
  14. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until Dragonfreak posts

  15. QuilavaRDSP

    What was your first wiki edit?

    This useless edit on the Galaxy page.
  16. QuilavaRDSP

    Your current mood.

    Calmed down from earlier but still ticked off.
  17. QuilavaRDSP

    Your current mood.

    "Ticked off" doesn't even describe how I feel.
  18. QuilavaRDSP

    Your current mood.

  19. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    EarthBound I have only two more "Your Sanctuary" locations to go!
  20. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Wait until dungeon 7... OH BOY, DO THEY ESCALATE. Anyways... EarthBound Just got through the department store. I'm unsure whether or not I'm underleveled, because those enemies dealt over 100 damage with a simple attack.
  21. QuilavaRDSP

    type your username without looking at the screen or the keyboard

    r4ahgfrertwojjpsar Not even close.
  22. QuilavaRDSP

    How Much Time Have You Spent Total On The Marioboards?

    As of this post... 2 days, 7 hours and 44 minutes. To tell the truth, it's more than I expected.
  23. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Super Smash Brothers for Wii U Whew, just got done with a few of the events.
  24. QuilavaRDSP

    Your current mood.

    Rather neutral.
  25. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Super Mario Galaxy I somehow beat the Daredevil Comet in the Melty Molten Galaxy without dying once!
  26. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Super Mario Galaxy The bomb-throwing minigame in the Dreadnought Galaxy isn't as difficult like how I remember. I might have had more problems with the one in the Battlerock Galaxy.
  27. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Daisy lover posts

  28. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until Dragonfreak posts

  29. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Daisy lover posts

  30. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Daisy lover posts

  31. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Daisy lover posts

  32. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Daisy lover posts

  33. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Daisy lover posts

  34. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Daisy lover posts

  35. QuilavaRDSP

    Count until a Daisy lover posts

  36. QuilavaRDSP

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Super Mario Galaxy I am NOT looking forwards to the next Gearmo trash-cleaning minigame...
  37. QuilavaRDSP


    My most recent dream started with me painting my house. I painted the house purple, though not with paint; with grape soda. A while later, people figured out how to make their own snow; by opening up snow globes and releasing snow from them. The whole dream took place at night and in the winter.
  38. QuilavaRDSP

    Rank the versions of Microsoft Windows

    Of the versions I've used: 7>XP>10>>>8.1
  39. QuilavaRDSP

    Your current mood.

    Really, really bored.
  40. QuilavaRDSP

    Do you use the mobile versions of the wiki and forum?

    I almost never use the mobile versions of sites unless there's major lag. Even then, I rarely use anything other than my computer to browse the internet.
  41. QuilavaRDSP

    Your current mood.

    Ticked off, to say the least.
  42. QuilavaRDSP


    I had a really weird dream about a month ago: I was drove to school by my mother and there was snow blocking the driveway, so the vehicle went through my house's basement before going on the road, to a weird city. The city had neon signs at almost every turn. Eventually, I reached a school...