Never happened since youre still frozen and hallucinating. I'm not dead. Your assassin never killed me since he's too busy partying. And like you said you can't control your own men since youre stuck in there.
*everyone gangs up on Lolcrawler, ties him up with an UNBREAKABLE rope and uses him...
I do not know what is happening right now and where the thrown is/who has the throne ...
*Panda watches a potato on the ground hoping it would bring the throne to him*
1. Do you know the "Mario games"?
A. Yes, I play them a lot.
B. Yes, But I play them rarely.
C. Yes, But I Dont really like the games.
D. No
2. Which continent are you from?
A. Asia\Europe.
B. Africa.
C. North America\South America.
D. Australia.
3. Which game do you like the most?
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)
Found this interesting theory on tumblr:
My friends only know half the stuff I know about Mario... They play Mario games but not as much as I do but they are willing to play Mario games with me.