Search results

  1. Mister Apple

    Vending machine

    TheCapeLuigi gets a half hour extended version of 'Do The Mario'. Mister Apple inserts futility.
  2. Mister Apple

    1,000,000 things we love

    274. Playing music with other people, especially when we're in time. (Was that a reference, TheCapeLuigi?)
  3. Mister Apple

    What would you do if?

    Only cry internally. What would you do if you were loved by everyone?
  4. Mister Apple

    Do you know what the above user's avatar is?

    The revenge of the curse of the retribution of the anger of the striking back of the story of the wedding of the battle of the war of the song of the valley of the death of the end of the planet of the power of the tale of the epic of the musical of the kingdom of the law of the jungle of the...
  5. Mister Apple

    Word Association

  6. Mister Apple

    Count until Dragonfreak posts

  7. Mister Apple

    Count to FF in Hexadecimal

  8. Mister Apple

    Count to 1,000,000

  9. Mister Apple

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  10. Mister Apple

    What would you do if?

    Waddle awkwardly. What would you do if you fell over and couldn't get back up?
  11. Mister Apple

    Do you know what the above user's avatar is?

    The revenge of the curse of the retribution of the anger of the striking back of the story of the wedding of the battle of the war of the song of the valley of the death of the end of the flip-flops.
  12. Mister Apple

    1,000,000 things we love

    272. Talking to people.
  13. Mister Apple

    Word Association

  14. Mister Apple

    What are you listening to right now? (PLEASE put videos behind spoiler tags) Weird but catchy.
  15. Mister Apple

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  16. Mister Apple

    Count to FF in Hexadecimal

  17. Mister Apple

    Count to 1,000,000

  18. Mister Apple

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  19. Mister Apple

    Guess a intrest the above user has

    The boarding Count
  20. Mister Apple

    give the user above a job

    Crazy sponsors lady.
  21. Mister Apple

    1,000,000 things we love

    268. Thinking.
  22. Mister Apple

    What would you do if?

    Anything I wanted, who would stop Waluigi? What would you do if you forgot how to read?
  23. Mister Apple

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, you throw it out of the window. I wish my internet was better.
  24. Mister Apple

    Rate the User above avatar!

    9/10 Very good, but a tad cluttered.
  25. Mister Apple

    Word Association

  26. Mister Apple

    What are you doing right now?

    How about Mironan?
  27. Mister Apple

    TheCapeLuigi's "Art"

    [b]grumba noises
  28. Mister Apple

    give the user above a job

  29. Mister Apple

    What would you do if?

    Junp up like a super star. What would you do if you were suddenly unanimously hated?
  30. Mister Apple

    Rate the User above avatar!

    -a battalion/0 No it's not!
  31. Mister Apple

    Word Association

  32. Mister Apple

    Count until a Pink Gold Peach fan posts

    Four what?
  33. Mister Apple

    Count to FF in Hexadecimal

  34. Mister Apple

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  35. Mister Apple

    Count to 1,000,000

  36. Mister Apple

    Guess a intrest the above user has

    Surprisingly good art.
  37. Mister Apple

    Vending machine

    LED42 gets an iPhone. Mister Apple inserts a squirrel.
  38. Mister Apple

    1,000,000 things we love

    256. Poetry
  39. Mister Apple

    Do you know what the above user's avatar is?

    goomba Re: Do you know what the above user's avatar is? Flip flop heaven, or flip flop hell.
  40. Mister Apple

    Rate the User above avatar!

    -a vermillion/42 But he's not smoking, he's blowing bubbles.
  41. Mister Apple

    Word Association

  42. Mister Apple

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, he's a minor cameo in a boring DLC track. I wish I was more eloquent.
  43. Mister Apple

    Post your current thoughts here

    Lydian sounds good.