Search results

  1. Cackletta

    Games you want to see get made

    That would be... the most amazing thing that could ever exist. Especially if you could meet characters from the main games and crossbread pokemon to create new Pokemon.
  2. Cackletta

    Count to 1,000,000

    14, 823
  3. Cackletta

    Bad wishes aren't always bad wishes

    Granted, you exist in another dimension filled with happiness. I wish everyone I loved was not alive.
  4. Cackletta

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but you go mad with power and destroy the planet. I wish Pokemon were real.
  5. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  6. Cackletta

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but everyone thinks you're the one killed them. I wish to see all of the Memes in the world.
  7. Cackletta

    Rate the User above avatar!

  8. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  9. Cackletta

    Rate the above user's signature.

  10. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  11. Cackletta

    The official name change announcement thread

    Yes, your soul has been bound to that name so you absolutely have to or else your soul will be destroyed It's your choice.
  12. Cackletta

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    The show is 50 years old, that would probably take forever. I wish I had 1000000000 dollars.
  13. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  14. Cackletta

    Rate the above user's signature.

    10/10 I love Zelda games.
  15. Cackletta

    Games you want to see get made

    I would say something about a certain green Mario and Luigi character, but I won't. So I would love to see another Starfy game.
  16. Cackletta

    The Official Video Game Thread

    I'm hoping that I can get a game this christmas. Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World, Surgeon Simulator 2013 or AVGN Adventures.
  17. Cackletta

    Do You Prefer Cats or Dogs?

    Wait... why are we asking what we prefer?
  18. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  19. Cackletta

    Rate the above user's signature.

    Spike 8/10
  20. Cackletta

    Count until someone with a rank under King Bowser posts.

    I think I'll get to the Bowser rank from stopping you guys from getting a high number.
  21. Cackletta

    Usernames combine!

    Red X
  22. Cackletta

    Why are you on Mario Boards?

    Actually, it was the first one I saw.
  23. Cackletta

    I have a new/avatar/sig/whatever.

    My signature has been changed.
  24. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  25. Cackletta


    I have the Canadian one. It has enough for me.
  26. Cackletta


    Yeah, they are missing a few things. They also get rid of shows that I love, for example, Invader Zim was my favorite show of all time. Now it's gone.
  27. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  28. Cackletta


    Oh, netflix. Thank you for your infinite amounts of TV shows, such as my favorites, Goosebumps, Soul Eater and Futurama.
  29. Cackletta

    last person to post wins

    I win! Time for some cake.
  30. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  31. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  32. Cackletta

    Why do so many people like the Galaxy series?

    I didn't like these games. I don't know why, I think it might be the new mechanics, but it just wasn't much fun for me.
  33. Cackletta

    LTQ's Christmas Picture 2013/14 ☆ Released!

    Re: LTQ's Christmas Picture 2013/14 ☆ Sign-ups reopened temporary! I'm in Model: Golden-suit Batman (ButterFingerBatman) Props: A santa beard Activity: hanging christmas decorations on the tree Thank you!
  34. Cackletta

    bowser's castle memories

    My first experience with Bowsers Castle was in Super Mario 64. Well, technically, it wasn't his castle, but I loved all three of the Bowser levels in that game. Besides, Peaches Castle was pretty much Bowsers at that point. I thought the music was great, and when I finally beat Bowser at the end...
  35. Cackletta

    Why are you on Mario Boards?

    I joined because one day I was bored and decided to find a Mario Forum.
  36. Cackletta

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  37. Cackletta

    last person to post wins

    :boo: Spooky, Scary, Skeletons. :dry: :drybow:
  38. Cackletta

    Rate the User above avatar!

  39. Cackletta

    1,000,000 things we love!

    322. Bulbasaur