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  1. Stargatedalek

    What are you doing right now?

    Re: What are you doing right now? [EXCLUDES POSTING HERE OR THINGS LIKE THAT] I'm going to try making some hot pretzels and dipping them in cream cheese, it might be gross so wish me luck xD
  2. Stargatedalek

    Count Until a Male Posts

    2 yay
  3. Stargatedalek

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    yes a user :posh:
  4. Stargatedalek

    Count Until a Male Posts

  5. Stargatedalek

    Avatar: The Last Airbender + Legend of Korra

    oh so book 3 is out now *bumps up list* ;)
  6. Stargatedalek

    Your current mood.

    can you see any insects? if not it could be starlings/swifts (or a really bad case of mold/fungi)
  7. Stargatedalek

    1,000,000 things we love!

    392 white chocolate
  8. Stargatedalek

    What are you listening to right now? (PLEASE put videos behind spoiler tags)

    Re: What are you listening to right now? K-on!! - Heart Goes Boom!! [Mio] *wants to watch show so badly, but has other shows to be watched first*
  9. Stargatedalek

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    V the reboot, I haven't seen the original series
  10. Stargatedalek

    Count until a female posts

  11. Stargatedalek

    Word Association

  12. Stargatedalek

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    yay! I finally got one! Gybvn
  13. Stargatedalek

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    yush myself
  14. Stargatedalek

    1,000,000 things we hate!

    1073 thunderstorms
  15. Stargatedalek

    Count until a female posts

  16. Stargatedalek

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    you loose ;D I guess me
  17. Stargatedalek

    Count Until a Male Posts

  18. Stargatedalek

    Count to 1,000,000

  19. Stargatedalek

    ITT - What did you last go "om nom nom" on?

    deep fried mars bar chunks essentially like chicken nuggets full of molten mars bar
  20. Stargatedalek

    Count until a Mod posts

    I think this 1?
  21. Stargatedalek

    Count until a female posts

    admit defeat!!!
  22. Stargatedalek

    1,000,000 things we hate!

    1068 my MP3 player scrambling songs if you add multiple songs at once
  23. Stargatedalek

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    finished every song in the Project Diva F demo well it was only 3 songs...
  24. Stargatedalek

    Real-Life Photos

    oh no, and they are already critically endangered species!! we haven't had K-Marts since the 80's
  25. Stargatedalek

    Count to 1,000,000

  26. Stargatedalek

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    darn, you are so good at this I guess Nabber
  27. Stargatedalek

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    trying to get a torrent for Paraworld since I lost my copy meantime playing Mirrors Edge
  28. Stargatedalek

    The last thing you bought

    I got a lucky score on a Kaiyodo marine reptile set today only $25
  29. Stargatedalek

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    woohoo not you again
  30. Stargatedalek

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    yay, I think this means we both win you again
  31. Stargatedalek

    The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

    ^ you I totally remember
  32. Stargatedalek

    last person to post wins

  33. Stargatedalek

    the official "u did it" thread

    Re: pretend you did (x) thing in the past few weeks and try to call it noteworthy I get the feeling, owning two of them I'd never be able to eat turtle ;) I don't like the taste of onion, but I find that the consistency is "convenient" kind of like thick yet not sloppy french fries
  34. Stargatedalek

    Guess who the user who posts next will be

    try again I bet its gonna be DF
  35. Stargatedalek

    The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

    I seem to recall you, but I can't be certain xD
  36. Stargatedalek

    Count to 1,000,000

  37. Stargatedalek

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Chaos Island Jurassic Park classic game
  38. Stargatedalek

    the official "u did it" thread

    Re: pretend you did (x) thing in the past few weeks and try to call it noteworthy I've eaten way weirder, ever tried dog? ;) calamari is pretty good TBH, it tastes like chicken, but with the consistency of onion rings
  39. Stargatedalek

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    StarWars Battlefront 2
  40. Stargatedalek

    Word Association

  41. Stargatedalek

    the official "u did it" thread

    Re: pretend you did (x) thing in the past few weeks and try to call it noteworthy I knew you didn't have a dog... I ate calamari, but I couldn't bring myself to eat the heads
  42. Stargatedalek

    What's the weather like outside right now?

    ^lucky its fairly cold here, but the humidity makes it feel really hot
  43. Stargatedalek

    last person to post wins

    Reply #2196
  44. Stargatedalek

    Songs currently stuck in your head

    Triple Baka
  45. Stargatedalek

    last person to post wins

    oh thats right, so all I have to do is get someone to do something lock worthy, than post right after them before the thread gets locked...