I love the music in Xenoblade Chronicles. The music on Bionis' Leg for some reason makes me feel inspired and happy.
Nearly all the bosses in Xenoblade Chronicles are extremely hard, but the hardest one is by far Lorithia. Took me countless tries and hours and hours of level grinding. Probably one of the hardest bosses I've ever faced.
And let's not forget Giga Bowser from SSBM. Still never beat him or...
The remake ends with Charlie and his family together in their house, which is inside the factory. So he did get to be with his family.
I've never sat through the whole original version, but from the parts I saw it looks better than the new one. It's a lot more memorable and the oompa loompas...
Xenoblade Chronicles
I have no idea what's wrong with my games, but while I was playing, my Wii just randomly restarted itself. I had to level up all over again X_x
Best Wii games
1. Xenoblade Chronicles
2. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
4. Zelda: Twilight Princess
5. Zelda: Skyward Sword
Best Gamecube games
1. Zelda: Wind Waker
2. Tales of Symphonia
3. Paper Mario: TTYD
4. Super Smash Bros. Melee
5. Luigi's Mansion
Best Mario...
Updated list
I know I am getting:
The Last Story - preordered
Paper Mario: Sticker Star
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon
Pikmin 3
Fire Emblem: Awakening
I think I will get:
Final Fantasy X
Chrono Cross
Animal Crossing 3DS
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - I've wanted this for a long...
I shut the game off after that so it didn't save. It was at the beginning of the chapter and there was no way I was going to lose one of my better characters for some weird glitch.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
...The weirdest thing just happened. I attacked an enemy and instead of the enemy taking the damage, I took even more damage and ended up dieing...
Rayman (Playstation)
What. The. Heck. No one ever told me that I had to find all the Electoons to reach the last level. X_x This whole game I never bothered to collect any unless they were in obvious places. Guess I'm not as close to finishing this game as I thought...
None of the Pixls have much a backstory (from what I remember) and they always talk about a ton of random stuff when you first get them. I like partners more.
Kid Icarus would be cool on Wii U. And of course Kirby will probably get at least one game. Luckily, a Zelda for Wii U was announced way back when, but there's not any info on it.
I'd be much more likely to get the 3DS one if I actually had the money. No reason spending my money on two games that have absolutely no visual difference. I'm getting the Wii U one mostly because of the multiplayer. When I babysit my neighbors, NSMBW keeps them occupied and I get to just sit...
I'm sure a new F-Zero will come eventually, just like what happened with Pikmin 3. Metroid would also be great on Wii U. Donkey Kong was also completely ignored at this year's E3 (and I've actually only just realized that now, despite being a huge DK fan).