Search results

  1. ghostyoshi67

    Rate the above user's name.

    9/10 needz moar ninji
  2. ghostyoshi67

    Rate the above user's name.

  3. ghostyoshi67

    Does your school have any "dumb" rules?

    OH YEAH, here we can't wear hats except when we're outside >.<
  4. ghostyoshi67

    What music is best...

    Um... I'd say rock.
  5. ghostyoshi67

    Video Game world vs Real World

    VIDEO GAME WORLD!!! I didn't choose real world this time because video games are just.... awesome. Seriously, imagine LIVING IN ONE. Killing all 'dem bad guys and having super cool powerz!!!11 And I'd bring my family and friends too. :3
  6. ghostyoshi67

    Nicknames/Alias/Pet Names ect......

    Wow Alphaclaw has a potty mouth. :O Wiki: GY GY67 GhostYoshi RL: Macaroni (................)
  7. ghostyoshi67

    My first recolor

    There's too much blank space on the picture. But, the sprite's ok.
  8. ghostyoshi67

    Who has an actual life outside the Mario Wiki?

    >=[ COPYCAT Lol j/k And saying "THANK YOU VERY MUCH" is um... sarcasm, I guess.
  9. ghostyoshi67

    Who has an actual life outside the Mario Wiki?

    YES I DO HAVE A LIFE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. ...Actually no I don't have a life now, all I do these days is play games and waste time on the internet..
  10. ghostyoshi67

    Wiki World vs. Real Life

    Real life. It has everything. Like video games, comic books, tv, waffles, bubble gum, kitties, AND the Wiki. =3
  11. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops everything*
  12. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops the sun*
  13. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops a can of garbage*
  14. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops 8 8-bit monsters*
  15. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops free games*
  16. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

  17. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops a giant robot*
  18. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops Power Star*
  19. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops the Earth*
  20. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops Jupiter*
  21. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops elephant*
  22. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops a Poison Mushroom*
  23. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops a house*
  24. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops three hippos*
  25. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops Bowser*
  26. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops Wario* UH OH!
  27. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    AAAAAAHHHH!!! PAPERCLIP!!! *runs away* *comes back and drops a bed*
  28. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops a stone FOOTBALL*
  29. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops a hippo*
  30. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops a Paper Mario playing soccer*
  31. ghostyoshi67

    Drop something on the person below you.

    *drops anvil*
  32. ghostyoshi67

    Do you like...

  33. ghostyoshi67

    Pepsi vs. Coke

    I vote Coke.
  34. ghostyoshi67

    Meta Knight + Goomba = ...

    ^ What they said! I like it. ^___^
  35. ghostyoshi67

    Control the Throne

    (But the ASPLOSION powers can do ANYTHING! D: ) Your shield breaks from using it too long! (SSB lol) THE THRONE IS NOW MINE.
  36. ghostyoshi67

    Control the Throne

    ^ lol "THRONE GET." Uses powerful and epic ASPLOSION powers and destroys the shield!!1 IT'S MY THRONE NOW.
  37. ghostyoshi67

    Control the Throne

    I banish you to dimension 480X!! I take the throne.
  38. ghostyoshi67


    ...srpoigyjslgikgpoksdg. YA...
  39. ghostyoshi67


    ...a cool level I need a...
  40. ghostyoshi67


    ...Wii. I have a jar of...
  41. ghostyoshi67


    ...dooo dooo dooo dooooooooo!! I've got the ultimate...
  42. ghostyoshi67

    The official "yay!" thread

    Google "flu"! Oh yeah, and my supper is almost done. Yay! I'm starving! :3
  43. ghostyoshi67

    Type your username with your elbow!

    ythuj0pdsfy6tu0pdsfuj97 WTF
  44. ghostyoshi67

    Name a game game:D

    lol Sonic and the Secret Rings
  45. ghostyoshi67

    Two choices

    Dragonball Comic strips | Comic books
  46. ghostyoshi67

    What Mario games DO you wanna see?

    That's what I'd like to see. Also a 3D game starring Yoshi or a Wario-themed Mario Party would be cool.
  47. ghostyoshi67

    Two choices

    Zelda CDi Oh | No
  48. ghostyoshi67

    Two choices

    YA RLY. :arrow: | O RLY?
  49. ghostyoshi67

    Two choices

    Loopdeloop Hot | Cold
  50. ghostyoshi67

    Two choices

    Mimi ¬_¬ | »_»