Search results

  1. skulldug13

    Control the Throne

    Then I throw 5 mil axes and I cut your head off
  2. skulldug13

    Continue the story.

    Then a giant Ridley set a time bomb on to the yoshi and the yoshi went boom boom and Ridley went to...
  3. skulldug13

    Movies you hate

    Zoo keeper
  4. skulldug13

    Hurt and Heal: Kirby Games

    Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards: 18 Kirby Air Ride: 28 Kirby & the Amazing Mirror: 30 Kirby Super Star Ultra: 22 Kirby's Return to Dream Land: 30 Kirby: Triple Deluxe: 30
  5. skulldug13

    Count until a female posts

  6. skulldug13

    Count until someone in this thread changes there name.

    So let's start 1
  7. skulldug13

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  8. skulldug13

    Count until a Luigi hater posts.

  9. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

  10. skulldug13

    Count until a Luigi hater posts.

  11. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

  12. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

  13. skulldug13

    Continue the story.

    A flying death dragon and he started eating everyone alive but....
  14. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

  15. skulldug13

    Rate the User above avatar!

  16. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

  17. skulldug13

    Rate the above user's signature.

    10/10 because luigi is the best.
  18. skulldug13

    Your favorite VG music.

    Cavestory+ final boss music
  19. skulldug13

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Paper Mario the thousand year door.
  20. skulldug13

    Pyro's Sticker Star Playthrough (Happy SSLP) (Current: Part 3)

    Re: Pyro's Sticker Star Playthrough (Happy SSLP) (Current: Part 1) So happy that my mind exploded with cats :D
  21. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

  22. skulldug13

    I just beat __

  23. skulldug13

    Best Mario Music

    Koopa bros music from paper mario
  24. skulldug13

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Earth to echo
  25. skulldug13

    The official name change announcement thread

    I would like my name changed to eggplant13 please
  26. skulldug13

    What gamecube game should I get?

    Get Paper Mario the thousand year door or Mario kart double dash.
  27. skulldug13

    Tomodachi Life-Finally For American, Europe !

    Great I have already found 2 all time favorite foods and 3 islanders are married.
  28. skulldug13

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Tomodachilife :posh:
  29. skulldug13

    Pyro's Godly 2014 Awards Adventure - SIGNUPS

    Why is Gemini mans clone not in there why?
  30. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

    15,148 :dry:
  31. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

  32. skulldug13

    Rogue Legacy

    Well i have came here to tell you how evil Rogue Legacy is it is evil!!!!!!!!! evil!!!!!!
  33. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000

  34. skulldug13

    Spelunky HD

    the king of the world meat boy!
  35. skulldug13

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  36. skulldug13

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    mario party island tour.
  37. skulldug13

    Let's play some Hangman!

    is there a t?
  38. skulldug13

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    saving Mr. banks it was sad. :'(
  39. skulldug13

    I just beat __

    spelunky i beat.
  40. skulldug13

    Pyro Streams Shit

    Re: Pyro Streams *bleep* hes live now!!
  41. skulldug13

    What's your favorite Pokémon type?

    I like Dark and dragon but dragon is more powerful and cool.
  42. skulldug13

    Count to 1,000,000
