It seems like different games jump around from making Luigi mute like Mario or giving him dialogue. You'd think since mainline Mario games like Super Mario Galaxy and Odyssey have Luigi talk in full sentences, that he would do that everywhere. Oh well.
So was it revealed anywhere how to unlock the characters in this game. I kind of want to know if it will be quick or a pain.
I'm going to be playing with friends on Sturday and I want to have all the characters and boards ready. I just don't want it to be too much of a pain to get it all since...
Why on earth is Donkey Kong a secret character? Remember when Mario Party used to treat him like a normal member of the crew? Oh well. Atleast he's in the game. And so is Diddy.
That's just a visual effect to show that an evil spirit is in them. It seems to me that the racket needs a host. It can't talk or do anything on it's own.
I can picture a Challenges type menu where you can see the how to unlock all the characters but you are also given 5 Golden Hammers to bypass the requirements to unlock five of your favorites and get them right off the bat.
He says he's making it much easier to unlock characters. So I'm suspecting that the tasks required to get them will be simple. Like to unlock Zelda you play a match on Temple or something.
My guess is that a lot of the Wario content is being handled by another team in Nintendo. And maybe the people making the spinoffs don't want to be bothered to ask that team if they can use those characters.
With the Donkey Kong Country series, after Rare was no longer in charge of it, I'm...
How do you screw up Exhibition mode? Just give us the freaking option to select how long we want to play and which stages we want to play on. It's so simple! I called some of my old friends over to play, we used to play Power Tennis all the time. And it was so annoying having to turn off all the...
These new mechanics are alright. I think if they fixed the Power Tennis mechanics it would be better. I mean it's basically that already but maybe a tad too complicated. Do we need both Zone Speed and Trick Shot? Do we need both Zone Shot and Special Shot?
I'm surprised you didn't know most of this because it was discussed in-depth in the last Nintendo Direct.
You should watch this.
I want them to get rid of Mario's growing taunt.
Why? Because I want all taunts to last the same amount of short time and not make you a giant target. I once accidentally hit that taunt and it really screwed me up.
Also, I really like to taunt after I K.O. someone and that's a taunt I can't...
It's true, items are kind of annoying in the Tennis games. hHowever, items work surprisingly well in the Mario Golf games... So far I think it's only been implimented in Mario Golf World Tour.
Some of you guys seem so young. My first Mario game was Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES. It was actually my first video game ever. We got it in 1992 when I was just four.
Great concept. Mediocre execution. Too bad because I love the idea of Yoshi carrying different babies. Why was Baby Luigi left out? It's silly that he had to be rescued again. And Bowser traveling back in time was odd.
Erm so I guess I just like the idea of Yoshi carrying different babies on...
Re: Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo Switch
There's something I run into a lot regarding cuts and whatnot. People seem to think in reverse. They act like they have all these characters ready to make and then they decide which ones to cut. In reality, they have a list of characters that have top...
Well I don't mind new faces either. But only if all the old faces we know and love are there as well. The fact that Spike is in the game but Diddy or Birdo might not be is ridiculous.
Spike is a very strange choice. It's not like he's a common or iconic enemy like Koopa Troopa or even Chain Chomp. He's very rare, only showing in a few games and in a few levels in those games.
Perhaps Spike has a fan following in Japan that we don't know about. Also, do you think that they...
Everyone who suggests Ribbon Girl as an alt for Spring Man must have never played ARMS before. Those two characters have very different abilities and animations. I can't picture the graceful twirling Ribbon Girl moving like Spring Man.
If Spring Man is going to have an alt it would obviously be...
The intense fan following seems to come from Smash alone for some characters. Does anyone care about Ice Climbers outside of Smash itself? They are kind of lousy characters from kind of a lousy game. But because they were in Smash people love them now... Well sort of. People don't actually love...
Other fighting games cut massive amounts of characters each new installment. But Smash fans get super upset at the idea. Why?
New unique movesets? New characters bring unique movesets too you know. And even if the character is a fan favorite they should be happy to have had the privilege of...
You guys do realize that each new Smash is usually running on a new engine of sorts. New physics, new pacing, new everything. So they have to recreate every old character from the ground up. New models, new programming, testing, balancing, everything. Probably not this game which might just be...
Re: Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo Switch
The Donkey Kong series is more than just a sub series to Mario. It has it's own identity with it's own cast and amazing games completely seperate from Mario.
Let's not forget that currently Mario has 7 fighters (not counting Wario or Yoshi) and Donkey...
Change the Bullet Bill item into the Rocketbarrel from Donkey Kong Country Returns. It functions the same but now its a DK item. DK needs more items.
Change the eye laser turret from Kid Icarus into the Virtual Boy. Functions the same but now we get another retro item like the Super Scope.
Interspecies relationships happen all the time in fictional series with different kinds of peoples. As long as they posses adult human intelligence and can consent, then I don't see anything morally wrong with it, other than "It's icky!"
Oh here's a good one! The Cape is the worst Flying power...
Indeed one thing Smash is famous for is disregarding faithful portrayals of characters. Since the beginning Captain Falcon is completely different from who he is and what he does in F-Zero. Moveset and personality.
I don't even think Rosalina should have gotten in the game. Not before Toad anyway. I personally believe if you have an iconic series like Super Mario in Smash, you should have the series most iconic characters in before anyone else. That's not to say Rosalina isn't iconic, she's just not as...
Re: Smash Bros. Character Merit (Switch Edition)
Some corrections.
Just because it wasn't as popular as Splatoon doesn't mean it was a failure. It actually did pretty well and has a loyal following. Especially in Japan. In fact it did better than the Pikmin games, and that has a character...
Music is the one one of three opportunities for obscure or lesser known Nintendo series to be in Smash. (The other two are Assist Trophies and Stages but it's very rare for a lesser known series to get a stage).
So here are some song I'd like in Smash from some lesser known series.
Title Theme...
So some Mario characters are more popular than others and get more attention in games?
Isn't that case with everything ever? I don't see why Yoshi has to be targeted specifically here.
And I think you're still misunderstanding Nintendo's own philosophy on game design. Nintendo will not make a game a certain way just so certain characters can be in it. If they happen to make a game that allows those characters to be in there then great, otherwise no.
And yes. Nintendo might...
@Baby Luigi
But you're not thinking like Nintendo. They're not going to change the gameplay or formula just to get a certain character to work when it's easier to just not have that character in the game at all. The reason why 2D Mario is grid based is because of blocks. Character need to stand...
Those are very different series. 2D Mario platformers are entirely grid based. I'm sure you played Super Mario Maker. A character needs to reasonably be able to stand and fit in between two brick blocks. Otherwise it won't work.
DK standing on all fours means he's longer than other characters...
I think it's interesting the Super Mario Run introduced a bunch of Mario characters in the 2D platforming style, including Daisy. So it wouldn't be impossible to have another 2D Mario game with a bunch of famous Mario characters, including Wario himself.
I think it would be even easier to do it...
Mario Golf World Tour. It's my favorite in the Golf games simply based on the courses you play on. Such a great variety of environments from the Mario series. You get to play golf under-freaking-water! The Item Shots are a great addition to the series too. Very Mario! It's the most Mario-tastic...
When Yoshi turns into an airplane in Yoshi's Wooly World they call him "Sky Pop Yoshi" a reference to Super Mario Land. I just noticed that now while watching my friend play it. I beat the game twice and never noticed that before.
So Mario Odyssey but all the Kingdoms are connected in one large landscape? Yeah why not? It would have to probably be limited to the Mushroom Kingdom.
Actually I would rather have a new and greatly improved DK64 that had you freely explore the entire DK Island. I think I got this idea when I...