That tackle was the best move ever.
Training only one pokemon was the best idea.
I had a level 45 typhlosion by the 3rd gym, it's moveset?
Tackle, ember, flame wheel, and something else.
What decked me every time? Rollout.
SMB has an incredibly valid point, but I'll just ignore that for now and put in my own two cents:
It doesn't really matter.
Given, that might be the wrong mentality. (scratch that, it is the wrong mentality. I don't like deleting stuff in posts, so I'll leave that here to show my own idiocy)...
Hey man, I challenge you to a tiny cup!
Yeah dude, that's the best!
Of course, if there ARE rules laid out, don't break them.
If there aren't, take advantage.
I sit there staring at the screen just:
then I try to watch them, but fail.
And then I want to watch angel beats.
Then they say the first word, and I die from the horrifying dubbing that they did with that one.
Then I go watch FLCL to feel better about myself.
Then I watch...
Then you have the endless slew of SFM masterpieces and stupidly good artists out there...
Ballad of the Gibus, What Happens When Your Team Fails, Max of 3Ds videos, they just keep on going and going.
Doesn't end there.
Do you have the machine gun, snake, or spur?
And the rocketpack? V06 or V2?
You're missing out ON A LOT if you don't go through hell.
I've tried to fry deli turkey in soy sauce.
you can guess how that turned out.
As for most odd thing eaten:
peanut butter, nutella, ham, cheese, gummy bear, and goldfish sandwich.
on whole wheat.
Odd things I do with food? I like triangles instead of rectangles. ._.
let's see, little tiny particles with almost neglegible mass hitting you at ~300k m/s.
your body is torn apart by miniscule things, bit by bit, with the pain increasing as you go along.
now imagine standing in the sunlight...
as for nabber...
Well, my strategy falls more on the side of "speedrun" over "playthrough", so for me, that worked.
Because buying revives is stupid, herbs cost as much, if not less, and heal them fully.
And buying max potions when your pokemon have <200 hp if they aren't already basically dead is not intelligent.
In all seriousness, that thing is going to become an extratropical storm.
In meteorology terms, really freakin bad.
The jet stream is screwing with sandy's path, so it's going to slam into NJ, and there's a monster cold front coming across that'll run into it at the same time. Fronts normally... isn't really too important, save for tanks like skarmory and perhaps pkmn trainer colress.
If you plan on using it for the ghost/psy part of the league, you need to evolve it, or badness will happen.
A little. That and I spent an afternoon watching a guy play comp pokemon.
Then I ev trained an absol, and found out that my shiny ray-q had crappy IV's.
Then I decided that it wasn't worth it and I didn't want to buy another copy of white to AR and play competitively.
So here I am just...
Trade US-2
Take em off people's hands for .33, not too difficult.
OT: Dropped 30 on 23 stock keys, gonna go unbox stuffs soon. If anyone has any spare crates, that'd be nice.
I have 2 lovely solly friends to jump around with. It's hard to coordinate, and you can only really jump once. :L
one's a UGC steel ranked, and another is on a 6v6 team somewhere
Flame orb swellow is a monster.
OT: Currently running and destroyed black 2 with:
Therian Thunderus
Haxorus is one point faster than h-gon, and allows it to clean it up pretty quickly with outrage, Tyran and meta are 600's, and I was really happy...
I can drop you a kritz if you want. Should be on sometime in the late afternoon tomorrow.
QF is also useful if there is a rather aggravating pyro looming about, but falls short to sentries and etc. Most upsides to the QF are heavily overlooked.
QF also pairs well with another kritz medi, you...
Nope, and I don't really think I'll be doing it in the near future.
My emotions are screwy, and it doesn't allow me to fanboy to anything.
I can't really find a dynamic/intense interest in anything that isn't fiscal. It's weird and sometimes unfortuate. D:
Soo, you're some crazy person who actually likes children's card games?
I suppose you'll screw the rules, then wind up with an huge ego.
No, seriously, nice to meet you.
Been to
South Africa
Currently reside in the USA.
Want to Go to
St. Petersburg (not a country, but eastern half of russia)
New Zealand
Just now, looks like.
As for introductions, I'm a sophomore in the US, related to Nabo/Turnip by blood, and with an affinity for small furry creatures love and kindness.
My fastest pokemon clear time is 7 hours, and I enjoy playing the pyro class. I write in a journal/diary, and like to let my...