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  1. Shadow Queen


    Hmmm.. Can you make me a Shadow Queen sig? I don't know what else to put on it..
  2. Shadow Queen

    The World Ends With You

    Can someone Please help me with two things? 1: I can't beat those two reapers, when they have the red eyes! :-[ 2: What Happens to Rhyme?? She's my favorite character! :'( This game is awesome! Miss "Iron Maiden" is creepy but SWEET in this game!
  3. Shadow Queen

    Paper mario DS

    And I want to see a certain final boss to reappear! *hint hint*
  4. Shadow Queen

    The Peach ONLY section!!!! YAY!!!!

    Peach rocks! she's awesome in Paper Mario:TTYD! I liked playing as her. :peach:
  5. Shadow Queen

    Best videogame ending

    I agree with you 100%! The ending for Paper Mario:TTYD is so Awesome, it makes you feel great after a long hard battle.
  6. Shadow Queen

    favorite mario character

    My favorite is the Shadow Queen! :P
  7. Shadow Queen

    If you could kill one Mario character...

    I want Toad or Birdo dead! I hate those characters! >:(
  8. Shadow Queen

    What inspired YOUR avatar?

    Mine is inspired from Paper Mario: TTYD
  9. Shadow Queen

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    Hi! I'm Female, 14 years old! I live in Canada, and my favorite game is Paper Mario:TTYD! :peach: