George the Candy Cane hosted a quiz show with Chuck Quizmo. Their first contestant was Tony who had a douchebag haircut. Quizmo asked him "What is the color of my poop?" And Tony answered "bluey-black" Question 2. Who is Tubba Blubba?" Tony: "he is a *bleep*". "Incorrect, you lose go away!"...
George the Candy Cane hosted a quiz show with Chuck Quizmo. Their first contestant was Tony who had a douchebag haircut. Quizmo asked him "What is the color of my poop?" And Tony answered "bluey-black" Question 2. Who is Tubba Blubba?" Tony: "he is a *bleep*". "Incorrect, you lose go away!"...
George the Candy Cane hosted a quiz show with Chuck Quizmo. Their first contestant was Tony who had a douchebag haircut. Quizmo asked him "What is the color of my poop?" And Tony answered "bluey-black"
Porky Pig went to the shady bar in northwest Kyrgyzstan to buy pork from Rabbis whom were currently getting to the hellhole where Rtas' Vadum was working as Satin's slave and eating salmon flavored icecream. He saw Uniju eating Gummy Sharks while tap dancing under a tree kissing a unicorn. He...
Once upon a time outside of Guru Pitka's house, Tubba Blubba was talking to The Shreksorcist because someone was dead on his lawn. Mario's body was identified. Detective Tubba Blubba got angry and killed Daisy, then went on an adventure with guru pitka and was under attack by the evil cats. He...
Once upon a time outside of Guru Pitka's house, Tubba Blubba was talking to The Shreksorcist because someone was dead on his lawn. Mario's body was identified. Detective Tubba Blubba got angry and killed Daisy, then went on an adventure with guru pitka and was under attack by the evil cats. He...