the average lifespan of a gorilla is 35-40 years
i headcanon mario's age at around 35, so if donkey (now cranky) kong was the same age as mario, he'd be considered fairly old for a gorilla
I remember reading about this a while ago through JonTron's TV Tropes page and I was interested already. I gradually forgot about it, but I'm glad they were finally able to release it. Hopefully, a Switch port comes out so I can play it.
It's pretty how this game ended up blowing Yooka-Laylee...
Eh, I'd say this one's different enough. My thread wasn't exactly asking for favorites, just what you'd consider to be the greatest the series has to offer, though I guess there is a bit of overlap sometimes.
My favorite at the moment is Super Mario Odyssey for sure. People praise the Galaxy...
"without intentionally looking for them"?
even if this did happen, how the fuck would you even know who it was? I don't exactly wear my username on my shirt or anything. I think the only way you would know it was me is if you saw my Awards Presentations and were ridiculously good at recognizing...
I tried doing the volleyball in 2 Player Mode, but I couldn't get the hang of the controls in that mode and ended up doing just as well as my first time trying in 1 player mode. I ended up getting that moon the normal way as well. My high score is 159, and I don't care to break it any time soon.
google translate to the rescue (kinda sorta, not really)
So as it turns out, Google Translate is not reliable for translating full paragraphs. Who would have guessed? Oh well, I thought they were worth a chuckle or two.