Everything starting with "http://gameboyadvance.com/wario/" that has been archived by Wayback Machine:
The only links that seem to work are a claw crane game and a loading screen, but they don't have anything concerning official...
I can't see it.
Are you using the "Email & IM" links instead of the "Direct" links?
Or maybe SignAvatar doesn't work well with Photobucket images. EDIT: ninja'd
Viewing from my 3DS now, and I see your avatar just fine. :/
Maybe it's something in my browser settings?
I tried holding my 3DS like I would a 2DS, and I don't think that will be a problem. However, if you were to play a game that requires you to hold it with one hand, like LoZ: Phantom Hourglass, it might be uncomfortable. With that being said, if I didn't have a 3DS by now, I'd get this instead...