Sonic's Christmas Blast because of the final scene with Robotnik.
Do you want an adventure mode in the next Smash? And if so, what do you want it to be like?
I love Sour Cream/Onion chips, but aside from that, I can't eat onions. Breathing chopped onion air makes me feel sick to my stomach.
Anyways, I'm gonna guess pizza with thicc crust.
Last night, my dog ate a small toad. This had me worried(not to mention I didn't even get to look at the toad before it was eaten), but I'm sure that I would have already seen signs of sickness if the toad was poisonous. I don't think any big poisonous amphibians live around here.
There was one official video from CN talking about Steven Universe and I think it showed a scene that just completely spoiled it for us, so this latest episode was no surprise to me.
This character is the best thing to come from the Mario games aside from Wario and Waluigi, he actually wouldn't exist had it not been for a company that got bought out by Microsoft.