I know, when he did his last attack, I wanted to scream NOOOO!!!!! That was such an emotional fight...
DO YOU PEOPLE HAVE A HEART AT ALL!?!?!?! Nah, but I'm sorta surprised with all the nos. Or are you just too embarased to admit... :smug:
This game takes quite a bit of reflexes, if this is your first Mario and Luigi game, I'm not surprised if you're having trouble. Of course, if you have played the other two, it doesn't make you bad either...
But if you think about it, Kirby doesn't really have a lot more characters to go in. Maybe Adeline, but that's it... You really can't play as common enemies, so not a whole lot you can do. I think MOTHER can have 1 more character, but more than that wouldn't be good. Punch Out!! REALLY needs to...
In addition, the only reason the show is going on is so Jon and Kate can become rich and famous. They state that they do it "for the kids." Yeah, scarring them for life while "making them money." Real thoughtful. This show needs to end.
Okay, I'm just really annoyed at people who think illigal immigrants are okay. It's really a problem where I live, and I don't quite think most people understand the seriousness of the situation.
I don't see what the big deal about having 8 kids. There are a lot of more interesting cases... Plus on the episodes, it's kinda uninteresting and bad what they do. Jon and Kate force their kids to do stuff they don't want to do. Why do I know this? My mom LOVES shows like that.
Re: What are you listening to right now?
Ugh, I hate those songs so much, I have to play all of them while marching while carrying pretty much the hardest instrument to march with. Considering that I had half a month to learn them and they're some of the hardest songs I've played (and I was in...
Actually, by gameplay, I meant the level design. I just felt like the first world had the same elements as the last. And I realize that I am probrably the only one that dislikes this game, it's just my opinion, and anyone who likes it is entitled to their opinion too.
Yes, but you happen to be at that prom and get hit by both the explosion and the rain of punch. And you're wearing your best white clothes. I'm so evil...
I point out to you all that scince I was a nice person, I was not a dictator and did not kill myself. While you realize that I'm still alive I "take over while there is no leader."
Well, I also just don't listen to music a lot in general. It doesn't seem to be the best way to spend my time, but I listen to it when I need to rest, I'm going somewhere, ect.
I guess my problem with the game is it tried to do a lot of stuff, but didn't do enough in each of them. So you have a bunch of half finished pieces fitted together in a huge jumpled mess. I could see how some may like it, it just fell short for me.
Meh, I really thought that NSMB was really boring, really bad level design, and they centered the whole game on "nosltalgia" but not on gameplay. I could be wrong and this could be different, but they would have to completely redo the whole concept of it. Which they wouldn't do. And if you liked...
Wart..... was a little obscure. I could see him in a Mario Platformer, but nowhere else. He couldn't fit into any game with a story, character development, plot, anything. To me he seemed too odd to do aything except what he did.
I wish I could say more about bands or music in general, but honestly, when I do listen to music, it's usually Lincoln Brewster or Michal W. Smith. I also listen to Boston... not as often...
Hello. OH, and get ready to see a WHOLE lot of things that dont make sence right now. You'll learn soon. Yes, very soon. Heh, heh, heh. Anyway, have fun!
Its not the time spent in school, it's the quality of schooling and the attention span of the students, scince most kids only play video games and watch tv, they don't pay attention and don't learn. I'd like to see more money put into education instead of longer hours.