The final boss is painfully easy once you know all of its patterns and attacks, and if you're aware that you can boost into him after you attack for an extra hit.
Guys, the boss battles aren't fought in the stage preceding them, as proven with Metal Sonic.
Eggmanland will likely be the Egg Dragoon's arena. I don't know where you fight Shadow, but I doubt it's in City Escape.
Chances are, if you watched The Powerpuff Girls in your youth, you're bound to like this show.
Lauren Faust worked on that show (her husband is the creator of it), and that's part of why it reminds one of old 90's cartoons.
I'm getting a red 3DS on the first day it comes out.
I could care less about that Ambassador program. I already have all the NES games I care about on my Wii, and I already have cartridges of the listed GBA games that I care about.
Hyper Sonic isn't in it, and Eggmanland returns for a boss fight stage only.
@Pinkie Pie: No, Colors runs on a modified and rebuilt version of the Havoc engine. The Wii can't handle the Havoc engine that Unleashed runs on.
Most of the bosses in Colors are easy, even the Final Boss.
The only ones that give any amount of trouble in my opinion are the ones in Aquarium Park and Asteroid Coaster. And even those aren't very hard to deal with.
Mega Mushroom in 3rd place? Sounds like you're playing with the items turned to Aggressive.
Anyway, I actually agree with you. I hate the Thunder Cloud. Unless you manage to bump it into someone, which isn't always the easiest task in the world, it hurts you rather than help.
The pilot was plagued by Exposition Syndrome. The first episode especially existed mostly to introduce the characters and set up the plot for the second episode, which is still a bit weak compared to the rest of the series.
But now, they have a whole season of experience under their belt, and...
They said that the 3DS version was gonna focus more on the handheld titles of the series.
They didn't say that the 3DS version was only going to have levels from the handheld titles.
Why do they have to "track down" the Elements of Harmony? Aren't the Elements of Harmony... THEM?
Or is that actually referring to the necklaces? Even if that's the case, why don't they still have them?