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  1. U


    Facepalm whenever possible.
  2. U

    the official "u did it" thread

    Re: What noteworthy things have you done today? the Second Posted 2 3 facepalm pictures.
  3. U

    John Lennon

    I like paul mccartney better.
  4. U

    Dumb Laws

    In someplace in teh US i think... It's illeagle to throw bricks on the highway without a license
  5. U

    Fun facts

    The national debt counter in New York had to be remodeled because the debt was so high.
  6. U

    Random Question, Random Answer

    My nose. Why is your hair so 1337?
  7. U

    Complete the sentence.

    And beacsue of that
  8. U

    Control the Throne

    I go tio walmart. THRONE GET!
  9. U

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but he comes back i :dk: wish :dk: for :dk: world :dk: peace! :dk:
  10. U

    Magic Vending Machine game

    Evil consumes your soal! I take out a game boy.
  11. U

    Complete the sentence.

    Could'nt fit through the
  12. U

    Random Question, Random Answer

    A KITTEH! Why is 13375p34k so attractive?
  13. U

    Promote the above user to sysop for a stupid reason!

    Promoted for thinking my name is an internet meme!
  14. U

    Magic Vending Machine game

    I boil your least favorite food in it, and i force you to eat it. I take out Canned Yams.
  15. U

    I am sorry

    Please don't bump dead posts...
  16. U

    Usernames combine!

    Wrong Zoy
  17. U

    I have a new/avatar/sig/whatever.

    New identity!
  18. U

    Complete the sentence.

    Your mama is so
  19. U

    Usernames combine!

    Fluffy phoenix
  20. U

    Mother 3

    I'm bumping this because thios game is awesome.
  21. U

    Random Question, Random Answer

    Yes, mom... Why is pie so throwable?
  22. U

    Promote the above user to sysop for a stupid reason!

    Promoted for having an internet meme as your name.
  23. U

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Phantom hourglass.
  24. U

    Favorite movie quotes.

    I'm surprised nobody thought of this one...
  25. U

    Viral Video Topic aka "YouTube/Google Video Stuff"

    Click this link to find out what lies beyond it!
  26. U

    Favorite TV Quotes

    Maggie hands Moe "Alice in Wonderland" for him to read to her. Moe: White bunnies? Chicks popping mushrooms? This is just like the playboy mansion! Let me see if i can find something more age-appropiate...
  27. U

    PlayStation Move is blatant plagerism

    This is why i ahte sony!
  28. U


    But who can move it!?
  29. U


    Actually, some wooden nickles are worth a fortune!
  30. U

    What did you learn today?

    I learned that old spongebob is better than new spongebob.
  31. U

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Granted, but you can't afford it. I ish for a sprite pack.
  32. U

    Rate the User above avatar!

  33. U

    Rate the above user's signature.

  34. U

    Magic Vending Machine game

    Just for the record, this was my idea. I crumble up the crackers, then put them in your hair! I take out magma.
  35. U

    Control the Throne

    I ct it and half and gives it to nerdy guy.
  36. U

    The Magical Vending Machine!

    You do that, mother man.
  37. U


    Do not post a Jpeg of somebody slapping himself.
  38. U

    Control the Throne

    I denie that rhyme! THRONE GET!
  39. U

    What did you learn today?

    I learned that nobody viosits my cheeseburger network account!
  40. U

    Favorite TV Quotes

    Moe: Taking care of maggie's been real great, like being drunk and peeing yourself in a pile of snow.
  41. U

    Rate the above user's signature.

  42. U

    Next Nintendo Console

    I'm not sasying that it isn't, I'm just saying taht they could've been better on the wii ports.
  43. U

    Your favorite Quotes in video games...

    Phoenix wright: Well normally somebody would've noticed a large mirror like that! Godot: Objection! A lack of normality is no basis for discounting something. if taht's not true, then how do you explain the spikey-haired lawyer, or the topnotted spirit medium, or the ungodly cool guy with the...
  44. U

    The Magical Vending Machine!

    Holy Bleep big bump. I'll try to delete this.
  45. U

    Good wishes aren't always good wishes

    Grannted, but on you`re second life you live for 1 month. I wish for infinite lives!
  46. U

    Random Question, Random Answer

    Half full. If it was upside-down it would be half-empty. Why is the throne fake?