We may not need Nintendo Power anymore thanks to the internet, but I'm still sad to see it go. I really enjoyed the magazines as a kid.
The game has been delayed until the first half of 2013.
Sakurai posted this page from Nintendo Dream (a Japanese magazine) on his twitter page. It's a character popularity poll, and Sakurai was surprised by the results.
1. Pit
2. Mario
3. Kirby
4. Link
5. Luigi
6. Pikachu...
Re: Pokemon Black and White 2 Revealed!
There's a move tutor in Drifveil City. He teaches a variety of moves; Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Thunderpunch, Low Kick, Dual Chop, Seed Bomb, Uproar, Super Fang, Iron Head, Signal Beam, Bounce, Drill Run, Bug Bite & Covet. These cost Shards to teach
Re: Pokemon Black and White 2 Revealed!
The new faction.
The old Team Plasma still have the same uniforms.
Yes, Riolu's available before the first gym, and Magnemite is available before the second.
Re: Pokemon Black and White 2 Revealed!
Team Plasma is split into two separate factions now.
The original Team Plasma is loyal to N, while the new Team Plasma have the typical goal of world domination. New Team Plasma is likely loyal to Ghetsis.
Contrary to popular belief, flying through rings and picking up cars is not all you do in Superman 64. That's just the first level.
It's still an unholy abomination of a game though.
Actually, that seemed to be incorrect.
It seems that the demos were in Coin Rush Mode, where you only get one life, and the coin counter is 4 digits.
Other gameplay videos I've seen still play the 1-up jingle when you get 100 coins.
100 coins is still a 1-up.
But more lives won't affect the difficulty of the game. All getting a game over does is force reset the game, and that's artificial difficulty. The number of coins and 1-ups will have no effect on the game's difficulty.
Let's apply the same logic to Pokemon.
Rayquaza shouldn't be Uber because my Weavile can kill it with Ice Shard.
That's not how tiers work.
This is how they work.
Pink Yoshi will be on GamesRadar at 9 AM.
He's a Technique type.