Search results

  1. banjonator1

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    I feel it's my civic duty to vote super arrow
  2. banjonator1

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    Give Lucy Liberty
  3. banjonator1

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    mighty gazelle thanks
  4. banjonator1

    Mach Speed Mayhem (Superchao 'Shroom Section)

    Gimme that Octoman
  5. banjonator1

    what genres of music do you like

    according to popular music tracker my most played artists over the past year are not totally accurate but maybe a good median
  6. banjonator1

    Real-Life Photos

    You're really making me want to travel ;-; Gr8 pics though
  7. banjonator1

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - 26 - Banjo - 31 - Xandalf thx packakakgakgkgky it was a good birthday i'm gonna post some stuff about it soon <3 thanks! i believe i have made a grave error
  8. banjonator1

    Soundgarden Front man Chris Cornell has died aged 52

    I listened to so much Audioslave with my mom, it was her favorite band. I'm just really sorry for his family, he has a wife and a young daughter if I'm not wrong. And really, he seemed so clean and sober since like 2004ish so this is super out of left field :(
  9. banjonator1

    Soundgarden Front man Chris Cornell has died aged 52

    Audioslave is one of the bands that got me into music and Soundgarden is one of my all time favorites. I'm scared to find out how he passed honestly, he's worked very hard to get himself clean from drugs and alcohol in the past.
  10. banjonator1

    what are your favorite music videos?

    yessss mcd the avalanches are really really good
  11. banjonator1

    The official name change announcement thread

  12. banjonator1

    Do you know what the above user's avatar is?

    don't quote me here but i'm thinking it might be pink gold peach
  13. banjonator1

    General Discussion

    Thanks :wario:
  14. banjonator1

    General Discussion

    Definitely not trying to open up a discussion of gender on the wiki as per birdo or vivian, I just honestly want to know if there's a reason the crystal minibosses from Wario World are given female pronouns edit: I'm guessing it was...
  15. banjonator1

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    i decided to go through homestuck again because i first read it when i was like fourteen and didnt get all the jokes and commentary about being a little shit teenager and it's bringing back all of these memories of first joining the forum when all you had awful troll handles aaaaaaaaa
  16. banjonator1

    valentines day 2017

    also i'll awkwardly hit on friends both online and irl until i cross some line that i'm too inept to notice and embarrass myself in front of them to the point that i no longer want them to be around me
  17. banjonator1

    valentines day 2017

    that's disgusting anton
  18. banjonator1

    what are your favorite music videos?

    Yay nabber listens to Radiohead now Gorillaz as a whole are holy shit good Ashes to Ashes or anything from Blackstar by David Bowie The Statue Got me High or Birdhouse in Your Soul by They Might Be Giants Headache by Frank Black Basically anything with a fun aesthetic
  19. banjonator1

    Mouth Moods (Neil Cicierega's new mashup album)

    I like that ACVC makes me realize the acdc vocalist sounds like vinnys toad impression
  20. banjonator1

    Mary Tyler Moore dead at 80

    And on a serious note. condolences to everyone who was a fan of her work
  21. banjonator1

    Mary Tyler Moore dead at 80

    Oo wee oo
  22. banjonator1

    2016 in review.

    I'm still tore up about losing Walkazo. I wasn't exactly close but we did talk and I miss her being around. I hope it's not in poor taste to bring up a celebrity next but the loss of David Bowie is really a big thing to me, and his music really brings out some powerful feelings, even moreso now...
  23. banjonator1

    Fitness Thread

    my new years resolution is to build up to where i can actually start doing some real exercises after i had surgery i kind of just let anything i had built up over the summer deteriorate to where it started to affect my posture. i eventually had to go to physical therapy and because i am human...
  24. banjonator1

    What's the weather like outside right now?

    its 77 degrees at a billion percent humidity on christmas day fuck aaaaaa
  25. banjonator1

    Christmas 2016

    i'm coming over to visit prepare to share your presents with me also i got: clothes -comfy pjs -comfy shirt -nice jeans records: -The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie -Violator - Depeche Mode -Nevermind - Nirvana -The Apocalypse Inside of an Orange - Omar Rodriguez Lopez Quintet...
  26. banjonator1

    This isn't even funny anymore

    Re: George Michael dead at 53 I spent the whole day shit-talking "Last Christmas", now I feel sad. My mom really liked George Michael and was almost as heartbroken as when she found out he wasn't into chicks in the eighties. RIP, dude.
  27. banjonator1

    If you could change one thing about yourself...

    Less acne, a not fucked up chest, and not so underweight. I want to be a big stronk man. :boo: If we're going to start talking about personal flaws I'd make myself smarter, not so conceited, less self-centered, and just a nicer person I guess. All in all I'm ok with how I am but there's...
  28. banjonator1

    The Offical Meme Thread

    i stand by my statement memes were a mistake
  29. banjonator1

    Real-Life Photos

    anton anton i'm getting my haircut tomorrow too
  30. banjonator1

    What color are your eyes?

    i don't know i think they're greyish and greenish they used to be blue when i was little
  31. banjonator1

    Niiue's Sprites

    i'm really glad that you still keep us updated on this, i love these
  32. banjonator1

    Real-Life Photos

    how soft is your face now
  33. banjonator1

    Pokémon Sun and Moon

    Re: Pokémon Sun and Moon (Please put leaks and spoilers in spoil boxes!) >3. has some thickness ; ) also i'm adorable
  34. banjonator1

    The last thing you bought

    i cant stop buying sonic double cheeseburger meals
  35. banjonator1

    Real-Life Photos

    Happy Halloween Ignore the stupid poses and facial expressions it's been a long night (It's supposed to be Floki from Vikings)
  36. banjonator1

    Real-Life Photos

    that a good looking human
  37. banjonator1

    how much money is in your wallet right now?

    fifty dollars in cash, a check for seventy five for a clinic i go to, and a debit card with around a thousand
  38. banjonator1

    Your political type according to Pew Research Center

    some of these questions are really frustratingly black and white and i got young outsider, mostly because i was split in either direction on several of the welfare and racial and immigration questions
  39. banjonator1

    What's the weather like outside right now?

    raining on and off google chrome keeps trying to give me tips for surviving the flash floods in louisiana
  40. banjonator1

    Pokemon GO

    i caught another gastly now i'm at two things are moving along nicely
  41. banjonator1

    If an intruder came into your home, what would you say, do etc.?

    i live a mile out from a road five miles out of a town thats forty miles from any real civilization and really don't have anything of value in the house and we could see any intruder driving up from a good ways away so i don't see that likely as happening but in case some methed up redneck...
  42. banjonator1

    try to name as many forumers as you can

    holy fucking shit you guys
  43. banjonator1

    how often do you curse in real life?

    never around family, only very rarely among friends (like when i'm trying to be funny), and almost never when i'm alone unless i'm driving i don't really like cussing its just gotten to be kind of a kneejerk reaction which i'm not proud of. i've gotten to where i turn exclamations of pain into...
  44. banjonator1

    Pokemon GO

    i want to feel bad for niantic but theyre making it hard like i'm kind of against pokevision because the original tracking system is supposed to be a hot or cold thing and having exact latitude/longitude coordinates for pokemon kind of kills it but is it really that hard to be transparent about...