I'm really not a fan of this softbanning thing for playing while driving/playing immediately after driving. I got out of my vehicle and noticed there was a Blastoise (which is really fuvking rare out in the woods of Swampbuttfucknowhere) and went to catch it only for it to immediately run away.
Re: The Official Birthday Thread - RENOVATING - 8 - TPG - 9 - Andymii - 10 - Anton
anton anton anton have a super happy birthday also be careful not to go to one of those restaurants that sing on your birthday
The effort you two put into this is inspiring :0
Despite having heard like...seven (?) of these tracks, I can guarantee that these are all excellent picks. I'd trust these two with my aural media life, so defs check these tunes out, as I will.
what amazing planetary alignment happened to give me neptune, anton, and PPPPPPACKKY selfies all in the last few days omg it's like waking up on christmas morning except all the presents are pictures of attractive people
Re: EU referendum
i didn't say it was a legitimate concern. every time southerners get pissed about something barack HUSSEIN obama jr. does these little groups of pro secession wackos pop up, usually in texas or louisiana
Re: EU referendum
oops i deleted my post i didnt realize it would generate replies but yeah brexit has reignited the desire to secede especially in some southern states, especially texas. trump even addressed texas's desire to secede while he was visiting scotland. nothing ever comes out of...
Re: EU referendum
i'm ignorant as to what this means for the uk, eu, and inevitably the us, so i'm not going to try and make speculation on this, but I hope you guys aren't hurt too hard by whatever fallout this may cause. here's hoping for a strong uk and a strong europe in the future you...
is australia even real i don't think its legal to have all these sweet records on one gross giant dusty island dippy invite me over jesus fucking aaaahghaghaghagh
Leaving today for Houston for surgery tomorrow. I'll be laid up in the hospital for a week afterwards and will not likely be bringing a laptop so I might be gone for a while. Wish me luck!
gr8 shelves
i already showed you but because i'm an attention whore i'm posting my setup in this thread too
if you zoom in you can see bad great taste galore in early 2000's radio rock
tubman is a good choice, and i'm glad hamilton is still going to be honored on the ten
also since it's apparently a side topic now i really don't see why in god we trust is such a super huge deal
yeah especially considering overnight you basically bought 9/10ths my record collection by volume
time to step up my impulse buy game
also i really wanted that john wick ost they sold on RSD but alas no record stores
i'm just going to reply to the op (because fuck whatever is going on up there lol) and bring up that i'm not voting this year, and i hate to admit it. i'm too terrified of making the wrong decision. growing up in a very super right wing household, voting left just makes me uncomfortable and none...
breaking news you can actually send friend requests to people who are in your friends friends list
so basically you can send requests to friends of friends
Walkazo, from the passing conversations we'd have across these communities, was one of the sweetest people I've ever had the opportunity to talk to. I seriously regret not getting to know her better when I had the opportunity.
I'm horribly sorry for your loss, and the loss of everyone who's had...
oops ok well let's try one more time
anton how was work
we'll need some of these
am southern
can confirm
grits are gross
school is lame !
thanks gf
i have just the thing
i really need to write some more sooooongs
you guys are welcome to submit song ideas...
aww yiss bad brains
also since you havent been in irc this presents an opportunity to tell you i listened to the first two pixies albums and also loveless
gud stuff