12:03 <whY_steve_has_found_the_d_keY> Welcome to Number Sign Userpedia, shin practice.
12:03 <whY_steve_has_found_the_d_keY> Enjoi your stay.
12:04 <porplemontage> i don't have an account on userpedia
12:05 <Grapes> Wait...wtf
12:05 <Xpike> yes you have
12:05 <Xpike> >:
12:05 <Xpike> UB made one...
Re: chatroom posts
22:44 * MiniNeu gets up off the floor so you folks don't squish him. :<
22:45 * The_Spanish_Inquisition{SG} sits on Neu :>
22:45 <@SonicMario> lol
22:45 <@MiniNeu> D:
22:49 <@SonicMario> I think Neu is now FlatNeu :>
22:49 <@The_Spanish_Inquisition{SG}> :>
22:50 * MiniNeu...
Re: chatroom posts
03:31 -!- Daniels [daniels@dm-37955.or.wavecable.com] has joined #mariowiki
03:31 < Nerdy_Guy:#mariowiki> Hi
03:31 < Tucayo|SHROOMY:#mariowiki> HI!
03:31 <@Mr_SG:#mariowiki> Please return before October then
03:31 <@Mr_SG:#mariowiki> :>
03:32 <@Mr_SG:#mariowiki> So we can...
Re: What are you listening to right now?
np: Neural Psychosis - Neural Impulse #5 - 14/2/09 "Neural Impulse Mixes"
Up to the SM64 Credits Theme vs. Yo-Yo-Yoshi (Yoshi's Story) part. =3
Re: chatroom posts
08:52 <@Jorge> *dances* If you read this, you pwn. But since you didn't read this, you highlighted it, you don't.
08:52 <@Neurario> Jorge: I didn't highlight it. I have colors disabled.
08:52 <@Neurario> So I pwn.
08:52 <@Neurario> :)
08:53 <@Jorge> ...
08:53 <@Jorge> DAMMIT...
I used to use orange-on-darkblue, and pink-on-darkblue, but nowadays I don't use any colors. And I'm with Uni in that I strip the colors of anyone talking. They can get real annoying.
In my experience, uploads bigger than a certain resolution do the same thing, they just drop you back to the Forum Profile Information screen with no error at all. In fact, the only reason you know nothing's happened is when the avatar doesn't change.
For me, it would have to be the Half-Life games, Portal, TrackMania, Pokemon Pearl, Dungeon Siege and Total Annihilation! A wide variety of games for meeeee~
And I think FE might be edging into my favorites too..
I can see you already have an avatar set from a web picture, so I don't need to tell you about that.
Just a question to anyone reading; the avatar size limit is 125x125, isn't it? I wonder why it doesn't say that when you select a new avatar...
Oh yeah, you have that cool recolor of that one other picture you did for me, I could use that sometime. I wouldn't mind you doing another one though! ^_^ :P
No, as far as this site as concerned, I am certain she will not try and take control of any accounts. If she does try and attack again (and it's unlikely she will), she would likely try and acquire an account with some form of power (likely an G-Mod or Admin account). However, I believe she has...
Re: Pokemon Gold/Silver Remakes Confirmed?
I'm excited, but I think I'll be stuck playing Pearl for a while longer. :P
Actually, to be perfectly honest the only games of these I've played are Red/Blue, Stadium (1 and 2), and Pearl. My younger siblings have played a lot more of the games...
Re: chatroom posts
[18:10] <Daniels> 1:10 up 3 days, 1:35, 1 user, load averages: 5.86 6.71 7.09
[18:10] <@Neurario> ;o
[18:10] <@Neurario> Still a little high, but not as bad as before.
[18:10] <@Neurario> ...not me.
[18:10] <@Neurario> Dan's CPU.
Ah, neat, someone who knows about this stuff! Yeah, while trying to reclaim Stoob's account for him I discovered a few interesting ways for accounts to be compromised, and that in general 1.1.8 was virtually, if not completely, uncrackable. Right now would be a pretty vulnerable time to upgrade...
I remember NG has something similar. And then I remember you said you made both of them. Anyway, 'liking it! 7/10 (because One Life Left would never rate higher.)
Re: Mario Wiki Stats
May as well say this here although most people already know; Stats are back.
Same location, and using even more chatlog content (going back to August '08!).
...somebody should REALLY overthrow me.