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  1. DryBonesBandit

    Issue 211: Dry Dry Data

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll also add this one to the list.
  2. DryBonesBandit

    Issue 211: Dry Dry Data

    Thanks for the suggestion! I'll add it to the list.
  3. DryBonesBandit

    Issue 211: Dry Dry Data

    Just wanted to note, I'm going to spin a wheel and see which one of the suggestions it lands on, so get your suggestions in before September ends!
  4. DryBonesBandit

    Issue 211: Dry Dry Data

    Swipin' Stu! I'll possibly get to the bottom of it! Thanks for the response!
  5. DryBonesBandit

    Issue 211: Dry Dry Data

    Little Mousers, huh? I'll take that into consideration! Thanks for being response no. 1! (this was in response to the nomadimice didn't see the next one after)
  6. DryBonesBandit

    Issue 211: Dry Dry Data

    Thought I'd make a thread for subject suggestions here, too. If you want me to write the next section of Dry Dry Data on a specific subject, here's the place to ask! (Also, a quick note, I've had the section changed to now be monthly instead of bi-monthly)
  7. DryBonesBandit


    The English SME plagiarized some names and other text from the wiki, some of which were conjecture, which is UNOFFICIAL.
  8. DryBonesBandit


    I'm pretty sure the game itself is a more reliable source for playability.
  9. DryBonesBandit


    FLUDD isn't really playable, but the rest are.
  10. DryBonesBandit

    'Tis no longer Talk Like a Pirate (Goomba Day) ):

    'Tis no longer Talk Like a Pirate (Goomba Day) ):
  11. DryBonesBandit

    'Tis talk like a Pirate (Goomba) Day, mateys!

    'Tis talk like a Pirate (Goomba) Day, mateys!
  12. DryBonesBandit

    If you could learn and speak another language what would it be?

    Yarr, 'f I had to learn a whole 'nother language, it'd be Spanish, methinks. 'Tis because it is me favorite-sounding one, 'nd I'm already in Spanish classes!