A series that's pretty much dead, Super Monkey Ball is a video game series originally made by AV (Amusement Vision), until Sega took over. The game consists of rolling a monkey in a ball and getting to the goal while trying (or not trying if you're like me) to get the bananas. Simple right? Well...
This is promising, I would love to see one of my favorite games, such as Pitifall some puzzles (Piece Out and Bob-Omb Breakers) and also, Hotel Goomba and Ground Pound Down. also if its just minigames, I'd like to see some minigame modes brought back such as that minigame circuit from mp5, or...
Red Flagpole can use a lot of work: many you's and implied you's and improper capitalization on a lot of the stuff, plus messy writing, I fixed up on it a bit but it still needs a lot more tweaking
I first discovered the puyo puyo series through some tetris attack videos, it was about someone getting a 19 chain (which is max) and I was interested in it, and I played it online and stuff and I loved it!!! (I also played Kirby's Avalanche and mean bean machine) I remember in march 2013...
I didn't mind Smash Tour
About the crowd cheers the crowd made me angry as a kid when I was the one getting cheered at... lol and I still hate it now even when I'm not the one getting cheered at... Plus I hate when two people die at the same time because they add an unneccesary annoying scream...
Late to the party, heh...
I'm luigidabest (or Luigifan312 on the wiki) I joined on april 1st 2016, almost 2 years after I joined the wiki On the mariowiki I am quiet but here I am more social... though, I'm still pretty quiet :P The mario series is my favorite series, I've spent 80% of my time...
Okay we'll just say that... A cat came in his room and turned his switch off. :P
Anyways I have something to share... Kids, Don't you hate when you fall onto your knees and suddenly a spotlight shines down on you and then ghosts lick your face? Yeah same here
(cookie to anyone who gets that...
1. (Super) Luigi
2. Baby Luigi
3. Small Luigi
4. Silver Luigi
5. Fire Luigi
6. Cat Luigi
7. Bee Luigi
8. Spring Luigi
9. Cape Luigi
10. Double Luigi
11. Frog Luigi
12. Ice Luigi
13. Lucky Cat Luigi
14. Mini Luigi
15. Mega Luigi
16. Propeller Luigi
17. Penguin Luigi
18. Kitsune Luigi
19. Fox...
Wh... why is luigi smaller than a cheep cheep, or even the SPARKLES and FLOWERS in the mario party 9 box art?!
He could have easily swapped places with wario