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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread confirmed fake btw you'll have to find the comment, but the 'leaker' himself admitted it
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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread ok NOW you can really start speculation (this guy correctly nailed the date of the last ND, and was recently invited to a press event in seattle, or was at least notified of its existence; he has SOME inside info)
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    Club Nintendo Being Discontinued Worldwide happy birthday if you can get in, europe
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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread start ALLLL the speculation about the rest of the world
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    fe when's the next time you'll have a chance to talk to somebody who crushed a tiny part of your hopes and dreams
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    if you listened to the original video, and put in headphones/turned the volume all the way up, at the 0:12 mark of it, there was an error noise, showing that he couldn't be picked again, fantastic attention to detail but i'm still broken :(
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    ice please don't crush my dreams i fucking grew up with rayman and i was so ready why would you do that to me :'( :'( :'( :'(
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    this man is a sick, sick, evil genius
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    Rayman confirmed????????????

    the most plausible thing i've heard regarding it is 'it probably pops up when you successfully download him'
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion edit:
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    Rayman confirmed????????????

    ok i'm legit pulling for that leak to be real because look at his pose on the original rayman boxart: and then look at his pose on his render homage
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    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    >mfw i was this close to a comeback but the state of the fucking stage
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    Club Nintendo Being Discontinued Worldwide

    that link i posted should work; you can't get to club nintendo from nintendo's site, but you can get in through that link, even to the point of registering games (at least i could but if it doesn't work for you, there go any platinum coins; speaking of platinum HI I GOT PLATINUM FOR A BUNCH OF...
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    Club Nintendo Being Discontinued Worldwide GET IN HERE NOW AND BRAVE THE STORM
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    Club Nintendo Being Discontinued Worldwide

    WONDERFUL 101 FUCKING NOW (it's 10GB tho) (also i'd get normal sf64 if i were you)
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    Apex 2015

    yooooo super late smash 4 salty suite kinda up?
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    can't drag challonge brackets

    ok so i went to see what some of the APEX 2015 melee brackets looked like and then i couldn't drag around said brackets to see how long these tournaments would be so, basically; why can't i drag them around?
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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread - NEW DIRECT - 2015.1.14 (6AM PST/9AM EST)
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    Apex 2015

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    Mario Party 10

    y'know, the classic mario party formula being back under amiibo party kinda sucks but i'm not even sure i'll get mp10 anyway, so realistically, it doesn't matter much to me what DOES suck though, is the fact that it's read/write for amiibo data in this game; like, mario kart 8 was read-only...
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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread - NEW DIRECT - 2015.1.14 (6AM PST/9AM EST) it's $9.99 the first week it's on sale, and then goes to $20 afterward
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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread - NEW DIRECT - 2015.1.14 (6AM PST/9AM EST) holy shit 46 minutes literally E3 season coming in FAST
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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread - NEW DIRECT - 2015.1.14 (6AM PST/9AM EST) it was something like 'ready for the nintendo direct in an hour?'
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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread - NEW DIRECT - 2015.1.14 (6AM PST/9AM EST) don't tease me like this you bastards
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    apparently it's a leaked gamestop poster
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    doesn't this technically mean they can't sell the download codes in stores like gamestop or whatever anymore? or does games refer to digital and 'physical'?
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    Nintendo Direct Thread (Do NOT post here unless one is announced)

    Re: Nintendo Direct Thread i now want super scope virtual console just for playing yoshi's safari so please announce this, nintendo please
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    Five Nights at Freddy's

    goddamn it
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    Voice of Dexter (Dexter's Laboratory) and Babe (the pig) dead at 51 :'(
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    I have $50 on the Eshop. Recommend me stuff to buy?

    there are 5 of them so if you're ever on a plane, get all of these before the trip somehow and just play them then trust me, it's better to go through picross puzzles in a moving transportational vehicle than it is sitting on a couch
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    project m (pre-install) woes

    this thread can be locked; project m runs completely fine
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    project m (pre-install) woes

    ..oh. one other thing: ...i assume this is PART of the files i'm currently downloading edit: i also do not see background.png so uh...?
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    project m (pre-install) woes

    ok so i'm getting project m like right now for my wii (i have a wii u but screw that noise) and this bit kinda confuses me: i'm doing the zip file, but how do i.. 'install' the files to the root of the sd card?
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    alright this might sound strange

    ...yeah. on that note i found it it was verdana so uh... this can be locked, i guess
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    alright this might sound strange

    what's the font this website uses? because for whatever reason a crap ton of websites all had their fonts changed for me
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    even MORE unused shit
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    i have faith in you hillenburg please make spongebob good again *crosses fingers*
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    just two-stocked master core on wii u in 7.0 ;_; i actually got to master fortress on 8.0, but i got danger zone'd
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    Shovel Knight

    um... eh, i mean, maybe yacht club games will get even MORE exposure out of this, considering that the PS4 is best selling console so far this gen, (?) and it's going to PS3 and vita too i can see why they did it, but it seems kinda unfitting
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    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 27 - SolarBlaze, Mariofan169... it's my birthday today and i'm not on this list :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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    YamiHoshi's newest game looks pretty rad

    um... so was this ever released? still in development? did it get canned? i mean, shit, apparently brentalfloss got signed onto this game
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    i need holiday advice

    ok, perhaps i should have mentioned some of the games the recipients own they have smash 3ds, mk7/8, 3d world, or/as, and animal crossing