Search results

  1. Camwoodstock

    King of the Mountain

    Well if Oklahoma has no mountains, and assuming you're in Oklahoma, I guess that means you're forever doomed to lose this game. That's... actually quite depressing. You... Do have at least a hill, right?
  2. Camwoodstock

    Control the Throne

    What are you talking about? The real throne is RIGHT here. I'm sitting on top of it. If you really want it that badly, you can just have it--I have at least 499 other real thrones I have that I can sit on, I'm not that emotionally attached to it. :???:
  3. Camwoodstock

    Do you know what the above user's avatar is?

    I have no idea... Some fancy purple penguin in a green sweater and pink beret?
  4. Camwoodstock

    King of the Mountain

    If there was already a similar game, my apologies; it clearly got buried and/or lost and clearly, there's a winner there we ain't gonna have an easy time usurping.
  5. Camwoodstock

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    This isn't even his final form.
  6. Camwoodstock

    Count to 1,000,000

  7. Camwoodstock

    King of the Mountain

    The rules are simple. Whoever is the last poster is the winner. The winner may shift an indefinite number of times. This goes on forever--unless, of course, the thread dies and is never necrobumped by a player wishing to usurp a long-time winner. Did I mention necrobumps are okay in the game's...
  8. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  9. Camwoodstock

    Count to FF in Hexadecimal

  10. Camwoodstock

    Count until a male posts

    -13 Feminine males count, right? I mean, I'm quite feminine, but I am still a guy, and I won't deny it, but at the same time, this game does have a ton of men already bringing down the counter, so... Frick, whatever, let's just say I'm a man for now and see if anyone who's a female is gonna...
  11. Camwoodstock

    Your favourite examples of Rare Sentences on the wiki?

    "The Star Egg does 100 damage to all enemies on the field by the inexplicable dancing of a Starslap and two Zeostars." ~Star Egg
  12. Camwoodstock

    Ever met a fellow wiki member "in the wild"?

    That is to say, have you ever encountered a wiki member off-wiki, without intentionally looking for them? I'm curious what people's stories are about this.
  13. Camwoodstock

    Issue 131

    Here's hoping the two Web Animation references I made in my Picross this month do not go unnoticed!
  14. Camwoodstock

    Splatoon 2

    My first thought was pink lemonade, and against a vibrant yellow, it makes it easy to consider this Splatfest a battle of the lemonades.
  15. Camwoodstock

    Splatoon 2

    Eyo, new US splatfest with Love Vs. Money, going on RIGHT NOW! Where's my Team Love members here?
  16. Camwoodstock

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    What... What is that? Someone's Yume Nikki/Mario crossover fanart?
  17. Camwoodstock

    What's your favorite Pokemon?

    Well, if I had to pick ONE, Luxray. But if we're unlimited... We'll be here awhile, I have a LOT of options.
  18. Camwoodstock

    1,000,000 things we hate!

    1882. When mother nature cannot make up her mind if she wants us to progress forward into Spring, or if we should just stay in Winter until, like, late April.
  19. Camwoodstock

    Count until a teenager posts

    I'm technically a legal teen, but since another teen posted... Does that make this -1?
  20. Camwoodstock

    What things do you regret doing on the wiki, forum, or etc.?

    Gotta appreciate the conciseness with this one.
  21. Camwoodstock

    Issue 130

    Time for my obligatory post about my own section! This time it's more of a scrapbook of mini-thoughts. For those wondering, yes, they got the cavities filled. I even got to say the dumbest meme thing before they properly put me under--"I'M GOING GHOST!!". It was so worth it. I'm actually...
  22. Camwoodstock

    Request for 'Shroom article edits

    Ah, greb, a capitalization error in the Picross for Issue 130 (first paragraph, "Nintendo Switch" is "nintendo Switch", which makes my section, like, unreadable). If someone can fix that, please do so.
  23. Camwoodstock

    Splatoon 2

    CLAM BLITZ SUCKS. That's all, thank you for asking opinions.
  24. Camwoodstock

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    Of course the senate would be banned, it's just like America!
  25. Camwoodstock

    Articles on technical concepts

    Really, either/or could work. It'd likely take a dedicated method of explaining these either way, it's mostly a matter of preference as how to organize things. Yes.
  26. Camwoodstock

    Elusive Mario Paint Help

    Potentially, you may be mistaking the version of Mario Paint; there WAS a Mario Paint made for the N64DD, a failed perhipheral. I still don't think that the thing you described exist, even for the Mario Paint on the N64DD, however, it MIGHT be worth it to check it out and see if it jogs your...
  27. Camwoodstock

    Your headcanons

    This got on the TVTropes page for "All Just A Dream"... Apparently, I can't escape this place.
  28. Camwoodstock

    Issue 129

    Oh! And anyone who can properly name the origin of the ??? puzzle I have in Picross before next 'Shroom deadline wins a cookie, and possibly a shoutout.
  29. Camwoodstock

    2017 in review.

    The Good +cs188's livestreams are pretty dang awesome +This wiki has been AMAZING, especially its forums +DROD has been incredibly fun even still, and the Caravel community has been awesome too +I started playing Terraria, it's been a blackhole of freetime +My family and I have begun playing...
  30. Camwoodstock

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked for false advertising/NOT actually being the meaning of life.
  31. Camwoodstock

    Count to 1,000,000

    17179 You mean I missed a palidromic number by 8? Aww, man.
  32. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  33. Camwoodstock

    I'm the biggest ___ on the forum

    I'm the biggest doofus on the forum! ...You mean that's not anything to be proud of? Hush it, let me have my moment.
  34. Camwoodstock

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    Wait a second... I recognize those pizza assets on that image...
  35. Camwoodstock

    Worst dialogue/writing?

    Two Words: Sticker Star. I hope I don't need to elaborate, but ask any Paper Mario fans their thoughts on Sticker Star's writing in comparison to the first three games, and you'll get the idea... Bludgeoned into your skull, but you'll still get the idea. I honestly never noticed problems with...
  36. Camwoodstock

    Poll Talk

    Yeah, I don't really care. Not like I really have room too care. I haven't played either game at all. I lack a Switch, and playing BotW via Wii U kinda feels inferior, because if I'm gonna get a Switch, I might as well get BotW from there.
  37. Camwoodstock

    What things do you regret doing on the wiki, forum, or etc.?

    I think the closest thing now was not really elaborating the distinction between myself in-game/IRL for the 'Shroom KG; it's not really much, and it really only got as far as getting a few people mildly concerned for my mental health (which I was able to thankfully elaborate on before it got out...
  38. Camwoodstock

    Poll Talk

    I don't think Illumination was a good choice, and wouldn't do the film justice. It could've been worse, though... They could've picked the saps that animated Norm of the North.
  39. Camwoodstock

    Mega Man 11, HOLLLYYYYYY

    I am cautiously optimistic... After Mighty No. 9 did a damage on the idea of the Blue Bomber or anything like him ever coming again outside of fan projects, I'm a bit worried how this will turn out. I like the designs, but I get worried about the 3D thing. I heard Powered Up had some issues with...
  40. Camwoodstock

    Super Mario Run nominated for Google Play game of the year

    UGH! Of course it has to cause troll bait posts. These boards can be really... um... something?
  41. Camwoodstock

    How far is the farthest distance you have ever been away from your home?

    Current home: Northern Michigan Older home: Probably around central Indiana The Older home one is rendered moot because I kinda-sorta live in Indiana now.
  42. Camwoodstock

    Should the Broodals appear in spin off games?

    Yes, but only if it means we get exponential chances of getting a real life Cappy to wear as a hat
  43. Camwoodstock

    Why does rosalina never do anything?

    I'm not quite certain being one of central characters of Mario Galaxy 1 is the same as "never do(ing) anything".
  44. Camwoodstock

    Mario games found on Osama bin Laden's hard drive

    The question is, how far was he in each of these games?
  45. Camwoodstock

    last person to post wins

    A last post is a last post, you can't say it's only a half.
  46. Camwoodstock

    Usernames combine!

    Either Camisterwoodstock or Capplewoodstock.
  47. Camwoodstock

    Let's make a story with 5 words!

    But, I really didn't care.