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  1. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    ...what. How does that work out. Why did it need to be split into 3?
  2. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    How many pokedexes does Kalos have?
  3. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    ...then why the hell do we have so many specialised varieties to help catch certain pokemon if they make your pc box horrible? Apologise to the apparently-useless-but-not-really pokeballs; you hurt their feelings.
  4. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Lupin III: Alcatraz Connection
  5. Rise Up Above It

    Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

    Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: NEW - Chapter 13 I don't even have B2/W2 yet so of course I'm still interested in Gen V
  6. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    or potential psycho/sociopaths, what w/ the time and puppymilling done :/
  7. Rise Up Above It

    The Official AH NEE MAY Topic

    Digimon Adventure Devil Survivor 2 The Animation Digimon Adventure 02 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Ikki Tousen Gurren Lagann Oh! Edo Rocket Steins;Gate Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt Spice and Wolf II - Paused Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season Fairy Tail - finished but for OVAs...
  8. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    yaaaaay, finally! also attacks Neptune using Pidgeot's Aerial Ace b/c I told him he should respond :3
  9. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' On Heaven's Door
  10. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    GP is correct, I prefer not to go for the recoil moves when there's those two pretty reliable alternatives. And yes, Arcy is an Arcanine I have in Pokémon White.
  11. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    Actually, I think using a water-type against you might not even be necessary. Arcy could possibly take down most if not all of them, with Thunder Fang and Flamethrower. Dark-types and faster pokemon might be the only problem if tackled correctly.
  12. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments <Guilmon> when did i say so <Shoutmon> before school started <Guilmon> school <Guilmon> its uni <Shoutmon> yes, which is a kind of school <Guilmon> yet there is a difference <Guilmon> no matter how small and trivial <Shoutmon> ummmm i guess if you want to split...
  13. Rise Up Above It

    Wikilocked (A Mariowikian SBURB adventure) = Signups OPEN

    Name: Arcy Personality: Yandere. Class: Dog (this is the only canon for Arcy, FYI) Aspect: Doom Planet: Land of Bread and Sulphur Screen name: blazingLupine Color: Orange Consorts: Wolves Dream Self affiliation: Derse Strife Specibus: Bladekind Typing style: dog puns; occasional greek...
  14. Rise Up Above It

    The Official AH NEE MAY Topic

    Update. Digimon Adventure Devil Survivor 2 The Animation Digimon Adventure 02 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Ikki Tousen Gurren Lagann Oh! Edo Rocket Steins;Gate Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt Spice and Wolf II - Paused Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season Fairy Tail - watching Fruits...
  15. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    So I'll end up with the Garden Vivillon when I get playing Y (most likely getting it as Christmas present now). Not too bad but not my fave (Monsoon).
  16. Rise Up Above It

    Rate the User above avatar!

  17. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    Yeah, I have to disagree about legendaries being a cheap tactic all the time. In SoulSilver I used Lugia, Entei and Raikou simply to provide necessary type coverage in order to progress as there were few of their types available and even fewer that I liked. In White I only put together a...
  18. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    'Stab stab stab' - Sniper, professional Pokémon trainer. Maybe.
  19. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    I don't recall that they were really so problematic. It was just that gym leaders had similar levels and wild pokemon were actually so low-levelled that grinding was worse than before. So I took down Red at level 65-68 with a carefully assembled team. However, in my littlest sister's HeartGold...
  20. Rise Up Above It

    Pokemon X and Pokemon Y

    Only started at SoulSilver.
  21. Rise Up Above It

    Rate the User above avatar!

    That would be because they're from an as-of-yet-unreleased game that seems pretty amazing. It's greenlit on Steam now, and should be out before the end of the year. Vinnie is the mechanic while Zik is the medic/scientist android. I'm pretty hyped for it. 8/10 Rosalina
  22. Rise Up Above It

    Rate the User above avatar!

    6/10 Changed my avatar from Zik to Vinnie (both (un)Lucky7 characters though) so may as well post
  23. Rise Up Above It

    Songs currently stuck in your head :eekdance:
  24. Rise Up Above It

    The Official AH NEE MAY Topic

    Another update. Digimon Adventure Devil Survivor 2 The Animation Digimon Adventure 02 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Ikki Tousen Gurren Lagann Oh! Edo Rocket Steins;Gate Spice and Wolf II - Watching Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt- watching Fairy Tail -...
  25. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Actually I kinda just want to see it all implode in on itself, ending everything in-universe just to see it. :) But hey, if it resolves nicely that's fine too.
  26. Rise Up Above It

    The Official AH NEE MAY Topic

    Started Spice & Wolf season two and Fairy Tail.
  27. Rise Up Above It

    Cephalopod Awareness Week!

    D'aaawww, they look so stupid w/ shrimp barely in their mouth area
  28. Rise Up Above It

    the official "u did it" thread

    Re: today you did things noteworthy Yeah, I'll live. It wasn't a large enough dose to be harmful and I seem fine now, but it sure choked my nose up in the lab and for a bit afterwards. Most of the vapour from the beaker had gone by the time I came round to using the HCl. Hey, it's just a part...
  29. Rise Up Above It

    the official "u did it" thread

    Re: today you did things noteworthy inhale vapours from 10M concentration HCl (aq) accidentally
  30. Rise Up Above It

    The Official AH NEE MAY Topic

    Finished Oh! Edo Rocket now. Rather fun, quirky series. Digimon Adventure Devil Survivor 2 The Animation Digimon Adventure 02 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Ikki Tousen Gurren Lagann Oh! Edo Rocket Spice and Wolf - Watching Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season Panty and Stocking with...
  31. Rise Up Above It

    The Official AH NEE MAY Topic

    UPDATED AGAIN Digimon Adventure Devil Survivor 2 The Animation Digimon Adventure 02 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Ikki Tousen Gurren Lagann Spice and Wolf - Watching Oh! Edo Rocket - Watching Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - watching Steins;Gate -...
  32. Rise Up Above It

    Your favorite VG music.

  33. Rise Up Above It

    Songs currently stuck in your head

    Soundgarden - 'Black Hole Sun'
  34. Rise Up Above It

    What inspired YOUR username?

    Bread. <3 *drools*
  35. Rise Up Above It

    What does your voice sound like?

    Since everyone and their dog (its me, im the dog *tailwags*) seems to be doing it, here's a generic Vocaroo of me: Do I sound :posh:? Do I sound British? Do I Sound Like A Robot?
  36. Rise Up Above It

    Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

    Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released! Okay. The lines are from that newest one, Chapter 11.
  37. Rise Up Above It

    Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

    Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released! "It feels like we'e been walking forever." Please say you haven't lost my signup, Javelin, because I never had a saved copy and by now don't remember most of the team I'd settled on. -_-' And I was some vaguely Bec Noir-themed...
  38. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Magnum Force "A man's got to know his limitations."
  39. Rise Up Above It

    The Official AH NEE MAY Topic

    bluh, fine Update: Digimon Adventure Devil Survivor 2 The Animation Digimon Adventure 02 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Spice and Wolf - Watching Oh! Edo Rocket - Watching Shingeki no Kyojin - Watching Gurren Lagann Steins;Gate Fairy Tail Soul Eater Blackrock Shooter Eureka Seven Ginga Densetsu Weed...
  40. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Judge Dredd Very cheesy & clichéd action sci-fi but enjoyable. I AM, THE LAW!
  41. Rise Up Above It

    The Official AH NEE MAY Topic

    Updated: Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure 02 Ginga Nagareboshi Gin Spice and Wolf Oh! Edo Rocket Gurren Lagann Steins;Gate Fairy Tail Soul Eater Blackrock Shooter
  42. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Enemy at the Gates Decent.
  43. Rise Up Above It

    What does your voice sound like?

    Hello there, Zae. You may know me as Arcanine.
  44. Rise Up Above It

    What does your voice sound like?

    that was my theory, recorded on my crappy-as-hell UP article
  45. Rise Up Above It

    What does your voice sound like?

    Neppy we sound sort of alike, hooray! :drybow:
  46. Rise Up Above It

    What's with all the renames lately?

    I don't have to be evil, it's just more fun. That, and my tamer making me become Megidramon means I go super-destructive. Often! Though my true digivolution ought to be to Leomon. Simple! ^.=.^
  47. Rise Up Above It

    What's with all the renames lately?

    You overlook me, Guilmon!