...then why the hell do we have so many specialised varieties to help catch certain pokemon if they make your pc box horrible? Apologise to the apparently-useless-but-not-really pokeballs; you hurt their feelings.
Digimon Adventure
Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
Digimon Adventure 02
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Ikki Tousen
Gurren Lagann
Oh! Edo Rocket
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Spice and Wolf II - Paused
Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season
Fairy Tail - finished but for OVAs...
GP is correct, I prefer not to go for the recoil moves when there's those two pretty reliable alternatives. And yes, Arcy is an Arcanine I have in Pokémon White.
Actually, I think using a water-type against you might not even be necessary. Arcy could possibly take down most if not all of them, with Thunder Fang and Flamethrower. Dark-types and faster pokemon might be the only problem if tackled correctly.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments
<Guilmon> when did i say so
<Shoutmon> before school started
<Guilmon> school
<Guilmon> its uni
<Shoutmon> yes, which is a kind of school
<Guilmon> yet there is a difference
<Guilmon> no matter how small and trivial
<Shoutmon> ummmm i guess if you want to split...
Name: Arcy
Personality: Yandere.
Class: Dog (this is the only canon for Arcy, FYI)
Aspect: Doom
Planet: Land of Bread and Sulphur
Screen name: blazingLupine
Color: Orange
Consorts: Wolves
Dream Self affiliation: Derse
Strife Specibus: Bladekind
Typing style: dog puns; occasional greek...
Digimon Adventure
Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
Digimon Adventure 02
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Ikki Tousen
Gurren Lagann
Oh! Edo Rocket
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Spice and Wolf II - Paused
Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season
Fairy Tail - watching
Yeah, I have to disagree about legendaries being a cheap tactic all the time. In SoulSilver I used Lugia, Entei and Raikou simply to provide necessary type coverage in order to progress as there were few of their types available and even fewer that I liked. In White I only put together a...
I don't recall that they were really so problematic. It was just that gym leaders had similar levels and wild pokemon were actually so low-levelled that grinding was worse than before. So I took down Red at level 65-68 with a carefully assembled team. However, in my littlest sister's HeartGold...
That would be because they're from an as-of-yet-unreleased game that seems pretty amazing. It's greenlit on Steam now, and should be out before the end of the year. Vinnie is the mechanic while Zik is the medic/scientist android. I'm pretty hyped for it.
8/10 Rosalina
Another update.
Digimon Adventure
Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
Digimon Adventure 02
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Ikki Tousen
Gurren Lagann
Oh! Edo Rocket
Spice and Wolf II - Watching
Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt- watching
Fairy Tail -...
Actually I kinda just want to see it all implode in on itself, ending everything in-universe just to see it. :) But hey, if it resolves nicely that's fine too.
Re: today you did things noteworthy
Yeah, I'll live. It wasn't a large enough dose to be harmful and I seem fine now, but it sure choked my nose up in the lab and for a bit afterwards. Most of the vapour from the beaker had gone by the time I came round to using the HCl. Hey, it's just a part...
Finished Oh! Edo Rocket now. Rather fun, quirky series.
Digimon Adventure
Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
Digimon Adventure 02
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Ikki Tousen
Gurren Lagann
Oh! Edo Rocket
Spice and Wolf - Watching
Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season
Panty and Stocking with...
Digimon Adventure
Devil Survivor 2 The Animation
Digimon Adventure 02
Ginga Nagareboshi Gin
Ikki Tousen
Gurren Lagann
Spice and Wolf - Watching
Oh! Edo Rocket - Watching
Shingeki no Kyojin - Finished until next season
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - watching
Steins;Gate -...
Since everyone and their dog (its me, im the dog *tailwags*) seems to be doing it, here's a generic Vocaroo of me: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1pw1RW6o6SQ Do I sound :posh:? Do I sound British? Do I Sound Like A Robot?
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Ten released!
"It feels like we'e been walking forever."
Please say you haven't lost my signup, Javelin, because I never had a saved copy and by now don't remember most of the team I'd settled on. -_-' And I was some vaguely Bec Noir-themed...
I don't have to be evil, it's just more fun. That, and my tamer making me become Megidramon means I go super-destructive. Often! Though my true digivolution ought to be to Leomon. Simple! ^.=.^