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  1. Rise Up Above It

    What does your voice sound like? ought to work if you have windows media player Some of you may have heard this clip before; it's a bit old now so I may do another. To me, my voice is kinda just a monotonous british non-accent.
  2. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Finally watched Scott Pilgrim Vs The World & Hot Fuzz. Both great films.
  3. Rise Up Above It

    Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

    Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Seven is up on UP! "I've help Pokémon..." ought to be "I've helped Pokémon..." Other than that, it was a good chapter. Lovely punny villainous getaway, and the rivals thing seems like it would be an interesting little sub-plot to appear from...
  4. Rise Up Above It

    whats your pokemon party

    Just beat Red whilst rather underlevelled in my lil sister's HeartGold using: FIRE TOAD (lv.70 Typhlosion) LUXRAY (lv70) HIPPOWDON (lv.52) MANECTRIC (lv.49) GOLDUCK (lv.59 hm slave/fighter) SKARMORY (lv.28 hm slave) almost all of those were traded to her by me, as she didn't catch enough...
  5. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Star Trek: Generations pretty good film and still has cool cg imo.
  6. Rise Up Above It

    The official name change announcement thread

    You goddamn fools. Vriska Serket
  7. Rise Up Above It

    Official Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit thread

    Hmmm, Smaug looks like an evil Draco now. I wonder if they will give him a jewel-encrusted belly, since that's sort of a key thing. Other than that, looks epic.
  8. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments :waluigi:
  9. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - June 7 - SG - 9 - Neptune Happy Birthday, Neptune ol' buddy!
  10. Rise Up Above It

    Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition - STATUS: POSTPONED UNTIL POKEMON IS FUN

    Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition So the thief is Tabuu, eh? It was out of him and Crash according to my mind. Great chapters though, Javvy. The split between two scenes was rather good.
  11. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments IT KEEPS HAPPENING (the kidnapping of cuteness by Anton, Edo and now 22) :guilmon:
  12. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Face/Off great Cage film
  13. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Hahaha, didn't even know that. Too bad! :waluigi:
  14. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Star Trek: Into Darkness Absolutely great film.
  15. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 10 - '3K, Snack, Spiny Happy birthday you guys!
  16. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments woof *wags tail*
  17. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 6 - Stooben - 7 - Villain Happy birthday Stooben!
  18. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    The Hunt for Red October
  19. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    K-19 The Widowmaker
  20. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments ............meds........
  21. Rise Up Above It


    Added the IP but Minecraft can't access the server for me.
  22. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    As the Seer's Dog (of Doom), yes I can guarantee that your doom will find you eventually. 8AD 8R8K. No-one can escape the miles. I know Dig.
  23. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Laputa: Castle in the Sky Great film, with a nice lil cameo from the fox-squirrels from Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.
  24. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread) this is utterly hilarious. gg calicorn
  25. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    EXACTLY!. now to re-take Bec Noir
  26. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Hooray! This will fulfil my role as Dog of Doom! Excellent.
  27. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Arcanine <Arcanine> edo <Arcanine> what if I go grimdark * charmander has quit (*.net *.split) * bulbasaur has quit (*.net *.split) * Gamefreak75 has quit (*.net *.split) * ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split) * DarkMari164...
  28. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    ...are you feigning ignorance or not. It's easy to work out from her story.
  29. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments
  30. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    What about The Lordling? I thought it was a great track. Not so sure of Carne Vale.
  31. Rise Up Above It

    Star Wars in General (Movies, Shows, Books, Games, etc.)

    I'm sorry JAvvy, but so far I've only been able to read Heir to the Empire yet.
  32. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    GODDAMMIT TABUU!!!!!! *runs away sobbing* also iirc wasn't that where you covered that comatose story of mine
  33. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Kill Bill Vol. 1 First time watching it fully; previously watched about half of it DOA (1988) Hitman
  34. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    yay new ships! Nektan <3 Mierfa BMB <3< Lily
  35. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 7 bones - 8 Edo - 9 Sunscreen HAPPY BIRTHDAY BONSEY!!! <>! oh and Edo the Magic Dragon too!
  36. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 2 Crash, Tabuu | - 4 3Dejong Happy birthday to you, Crash and Tabuu!
  37. Rise Up Above It

    The Official Music Thread

    Whilst in Edinburgh I picked up the Killers' Day & Age and Arcade Fire's Neon Bible from a closing HMV. Still no sign of SOAD's Toxicity album though. Both of those are albums by bands I like very well but only have one or two songs from on itunes. Thing is, I can't put the rest of those albums...
  38. Rise Up Above It

    THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

    Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments by kicking me in the face with both hindpaws, yes
  39. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Die Hard & Die Hard 2
  40. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    The extended LOTR films. Majestic. Schindler's List
  41. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    If Jade's there now, maybe the rest of that group aren't far behind. also JADE!!!! <3
  42. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Yes! YES! also it was pretty much foreshadowed when Calicorn saw Jack's golden fang.
  43. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan pretty good overall
  44. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    Dammit you made me do that. After 5 seconds it was unbearable so I closed them.
  45. Rise Up Above It

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    Ghost Rider First one, first time. Really enjoyed it!
  46. Rise Up Above It

    Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

    But that means Feferi Piexes and Nepeta Leijon have been saved. Feferi Piexes and Nepeta Leijon have left the Library. also gamzee you are adorable