ought to work if you have windows media player
Some of you may have heard this clip before; it's a bit old now so I may do another. To me, my voice is kinda just a monotonous british non-accent.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter Seven is up on UP!
"I've help Pokémon..." ought to be "I've helped Pokémon..."
Other than that, it was a good chapter. Lovely punny villainous getaway, and the rivals thing seems like it would be an interesting little sub-plot to appear from...
Just beat Red whilst rather underlevelled in my lil sister's HeartGold using:
FIRE TOAD (lv.70 Typhlosion)
LUXRAY (lv70)
GOLDUCK (lv.59 hm slave/fighter)
SKARMORY (lv.28 hm slave)
almost all of those were traded to her by me, as she didn't catch enough...
Hmmm, Smaug looks like an evil Draco now. I wonder if they will give him a jewel-encrusted belly, since that's sort of a key thing. Other than that, looks epic.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition
So the thief is Tabuu, eh? It was out of him and Crash according to my mind. Great chapters though, Javvy. The split between two scenes was rather good.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Arcanine
<Arcanine> edo
<Arcanine> what if I go grimdark
* charmander has quit (*.net *.split)
* bulbasaur has quit (*.net *.split)
* Gamefreak75 has quit (*.net *.split)
* ChanServ has quit (*.net *.split)
* DarkMari164...
Whilst in Edinburgh I picked up the Killers' Day & Age and Arcade Fire's Neon Bible from a closing HMV. Still no sign of SOAD's Toxicity album though. Both of those are albums by bands I like very well but only have one or two songs from on itunes. Thing is, I can't put the rest of those albums...
But that means Feferi Piexes and Nepeta Leijon have been saved. Feferi Piexes and Nepeta Leijon have left the Library. also gamzee you are adorable