Hey Nabber, that's actually like how I feel about my 'story'. But people (including Tabuu) were (and still are) like, 'hey its actually good what are you saying its better than most newer stories'.
One of Nic Cage's recent films (in a timeframe of five years), but it was pretty decent. Until the CGI HAPPENED. Nice M Night Shymala.. Shyamalalan-esque twist at the end.
The Gamzee scene was great. I think I missed some scenes somehow, since the map showed Latula with Mituna and Terezi with Karkat. I'll have to replay it tomorrow then.
One or two more chapters then I'll be re-reading Return of the King. I need to watch the extended versions. LOTR and The Hobbit are simply amazing works, both in film and in literature. 'Nuff said.
Re: Pokémon Black and White: Wiki Edition: Chapter 2 released!
Just checking something for possible sign-up: are legendaries allowed on teams or as secondary team members? 'cause my character would have an Arcanine, and they're legendary.
every time i try to sing along to the lyrics in my mind when not listening to to song or video, up pops spidertroll's theme. so play both videos to hear into one instance of my mind.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)
Well, now that angrychump is restrained in a manner similar to bart simpson, maybe they can talk things out while PM no doubt watches.
Jack/Bec Noir ain't dyin' anytime soon pal. *glares at Tabuu*
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)
That'd actually be amusing, since you already did the Prospitian Problem Sleuth, Pickle Inspector and Ace Dick.
Javvy, considering he's(I'm) merely defensive again, I'd say he(I) is(am) still hoping to be allowed to team up with the do-gooders.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)
Hey, most of them were worthless opponents who totally deserved it. And I'm your superior, pal.
(But wtf am I meant to do with his silly gaudy swordhammer???)
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)
Juju Breaker to destroy all the English horcruxes. Also, I totally called the Felt items being Jujus. At least in chat. I don't know if I did in here. Also, it's so cute how Bec Noir just wanted to stop fighting with Bec Blanche and team up. Why...
I could've bought it for £10 last weekend, but to make the most of my money and rage at not being able to acquire SOAD's Toxicity album at yet another HMV, I bought Rammstein's Reise, Reise; Foo Fighters' Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace; and Elbow's The Seldom Seen Kid for £22 total. 3 HMV...
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)
Kurloz and Meulin are awesome. Gamzee's still evil. Some people suspected that, iirc. The legs look like a new chess monster to brutally murder. :evilgrin: Mituna and Cronus ohgodwhy....so much bad! Sad about the Kar/Ter ship but Meenah/Karkat is...
Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - 21 - FE - 28 - Mario Fan123
Sorry Iron, but dA didn't let me give you a Llama so here is a cute Eevee: http://inopoke.deviantart.com/art/Eevee-49805571 (I suck at making pictures display x_X)
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)
Fuchsia Ruler is just amazing. Best thing about the new game, endless looping. Nothing was prototyped by Caliborn. That would mean something was actually placed into the kernelsprites. They simply blackhole'd (probably from trying to prototype each...