I think they might, though it'd probably not be in a normal Nintendo direct, it'd probably be on broadcast TV, and not feature any reveals. It'd also probably take the form of news anchors from your local area questioning why you disappeared with no trace and now are only seen in set photo's of...
You don't remember how you got there, you just one day thought you'd like to go and woke up in a theme park you've never heard of. This confuses you at first but against your better judgement you decide to just enjoy the various attractions and investigate this later. After winning a massive...
Generally the trend is consoles have them initially then drop it. I'd really hope the next console does this as it'd mean they'd need to remake/rerelease new games instead of selling the same ones again
Yeah, it is disappointing, I'm very nostalgic for the first year and have been making videos for the second. It's a shame more people weren't given the chance to live the proper Luigi centric existence we all crave
IDK if anyone else here has been celebrating but from February 14th last year until March 18th this one it's the anniversary of the year of Luigi. I dread how there is now less than a month of this glorious year of Twoigi :(