I feel that New Super Mario Bros. 2 is a soulless cashgrab that really didn't need to exist and New Super Luigi U should have remained digital only instead of getting a physical retail release, the other NSMB games I have no problem with though.
What I was suggesting by removing the live system is that whenever Mario dies, he respawns from the last checkpoint similar to how Rayman does in Rayman origins.
I suppose the Galaxy health system could work as well, however the reason why I suggested bringing back 64/Sunshine's health system is so it would encourage the devs to make tougher enemies and stronger bosses that can dish out more of a whoopin'.
I do like the idea of using coins to purchase...
In 2D Mario:
~Drop the live system and add Rayman Origins level of challenge and difficulty.
~Give Mario a basic melee attack that he can do as Small Mario/Super Mario.
~Allow Mario to progressively learn new abilities and moves as he progresses throughout his journey.
~Stop relying so heavily...
~I honestly enjoyed Paper Mario Sticker Star for what it's worth
~I enjoyed Mario's pinball land as well
~I like Mario more then Luigi(Even though Luigi is still pretty cool)
Greetings and Salutations, I am The Falcon Punch Master...
Though my username is a bit lengthy, so you can call me "TFPM" or "Matt".(Preferably Matt.)
I am a huge Mario fan, My favorite Mario game(and by extension, my favorite game of all time) is Paper Mario and the thousand year door for...