Search results

  1. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Should Mario Marry Princess Peach Toadstool and Luigi Marry Princess Daisy?

    While I prefer to ship Mario X Vivian, Mario X Peach technically makes more sense. As for Luigi... Bleh.
  2. TheFalconPunchMaster

    what are the hardest mario levels ever?

    That freaking Pachinko Machine in Sunshine, the physics are all over the place.
  3. TheFalconPunchMaster

    The official name change announcement thread

    LunarTanooki please.
  4. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Who is your favorite ENEMY from any Mario Game?

    Favorite Mooks: Chain Chomps, Bullet Bills, and Bob-ombs. Favorite Big Bads: Bowser, Fawful, Dimentio, and Antasma.
  5. TheFalconPunchMaster


    Maybe they can have a Co-op mode where Luigi and Mario work together to rid of the Boos?
  6. TheFalconPunchMaster

    SMRPG vs. Paper Mario vs. Mario & Luigi

    Paper Mario because TTYD is best Mario RPG. (IMO)
  7. TheFalconPunchMaster


    Weegee is pretty cool. Even though I will always like Mario more. : 3 :mario:
  8. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Your opinions/feelings towards various Mario titles.

    I feel that New Super Mario Bros. 2 is a soulless cashgrab that really didn't need to exist and New Super Luigi U should have remained digital only instead of getting a physical retail release, the other NSMB games I have no problem with though.
  9. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Your ideas of what should be implemented in a Mario game/Your Mario game ideas.

    What I was suggesting by removing the live system is that whenever Mario dies, he respawns from the last checkpoint similar to how Rayman does in Rayman origins.
  10. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Your ideas of what should be implemented in a Mario game/Your Mario game ideas.

    I suppose the Galaxy health system could work as well, however the reason why I suggested bringing back 64/Sunshine's health system is so it would encourage the devs to make tougher enemies and stronger bosses that can dish out more of a whoopin'. I do like the idea of using coins to purchase...
  11. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Your ideas of what should be implemented in a Mario game/Your Mario game ideas.

    In 2D Mario: ~Drop the live system and add Rayman Origins level of challenge and difficulty. ~Give Mario a basic melee attack that he can do as Small Mario/Super Mario. ~Allow Mario to progressively learn new abilities and moves as he progresses throughout his journey. ~Stop relying so heavily...
  12. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Favorite Mario Game

    Definitely TTYD.
  13. TheFalconPunchMaster

    MARIO: A Super Mario World Hack

    *Sigh* Again with the "MAYRO IZ TOTES EVUUULLL GO WACH GAEM THEERY!!!111one" bandwagon?
  14. TheFalconPunchMaster

    The official name change announcement thread

    CosmicTanooki364 please.
  15. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Rate that Character: Mario Edition

    :mario: 10/10 :luigi: 9.5/10 :peach: 7.5/10
  16. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Memorable Mario Moments

    The cutscene before the final phase of the Shadow Queen fight in TTYD.
  17. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    I don't know if this counts, But the donkey kong show hasn't aged too well...
  18. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Names you had for Mario characters/enemies before you knew their actual names

    When I was little, I use to call Mario "Oreo".
  19. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Mario Characters

    I picked these three.:3 :mario: :luigi: :rosalina:
  20. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

    ~I honestly enjoyed Paper Mario Sticker Star for what it's worth ~I enjoyed Mario's pinball land as well ~I like Mario more then Luigi(Even though Luigi is still pretty cool)
  21. TheFalconPunchMaster

    The official "Hi, I'm new here!" thread

    Greetings and Salutations, I am The Falcon Punch Master... Though my username is a bit lengthy, so you can call me "TFPM" or "Matt".(Preferably Matt.) I am a huge Mario fan, My favorite Mario game(and by extension, my favorite game of all time) is Paper Mario and the thousand year door for...