Not crazy about how the tracks are basically just ripped straight from Tour, but there's a shitload of them to the point where it's basically an entirely new game for less than half the price.
Something Nintendo is incredible at is making all of their racing series very distinct from one and other, something other companies aren't good at to say the least.
And Pokemon, Mario Odyessey 2, Pikmin 4, Metroid Prime 4, Star Fox, F-Zero etc.
Yeah, a little. But I'm down for the Mario Kart dlc so I can wait a little longer.
It just doesn't have the charm that the originals did, but you aren't entitled to a Mii game that fits your credentials just because you liked the old ones. Other people might like it.
I actually don't really mind that it's just dlc, because they said that the tracks are going to finished be rolled out at least by the end of 2023 and at that point I wouldn't be shocked if they released extra characters too, which are the only things people care about in Mario Kart (other than...
Mushroom City Carwash and Tales from the Megaverse are some really good rp threads that I recommend you check out. The only things are that 1: they're only on Mario Boards, not Discord, and 2: they're both 200 plus pages of reading it you want to know the full stories.
An apology to everyone I wronged.
Hello. So, yeah, I claimed that I died for sympathy. I really don't know what the fuck I was thinking, especially since there are some people on this forum who have actually lost someone. It was incredibly foul and manipulative. I'm sincerly so sorry to anyone...